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HR Management

NLRB: Ban on ‘inappropriate’ conduct is illegal


You read that right. Soon you will recall the good ol’ days when employee handbooks could prohibit employees from having a “discourteous or inappropriate attitude or behavior.” The NLRB in April ruled that such language was too broad and could possibly deter employees from discussing their pay or working conditions with colleagues.

7 ways to break work patterns that are stressing you out


At work and at home, everyone develops habits. The problem is, while those patterns may be familiar, many aren’t helping you become more efficient or successful. That’s why it’s important to regularly think about the types of patterns that are sabotaging your day.

Setting a smart and legally sound attendance policy: 8 do’s and don’ts

You can avoid legally dangerous disciplinary mistakes by ensuring that supervisors understand the following do’s and don’ts.

Which faux pas undercut your effectiveness?

You work hard to maintain a professional environment, but everyone slips up now and then. See how many of these blunders you’re guilty of committing.

Which U.S. city is best for growing a small business?

No surprise, tech’s hometown of San Jose, Calif., is where small business is thriving the most, based on a Biz2Credit survey of annual revenues, credit scores and business longevity.

SHRM announces its own HR certification

HR pros have more questions than answers following a May announcement by the Society for Human Resource Management that it will begin offering its own professional certification program in direct competition with the familiar Professional in Human Resources and Senior Professional in Human Resources designations held by more than 130,000 practitioners.

Hacking employees’ passwords: As simple as 1 2 3 4 5 6

If your employees are using 123456 as their passwords to company data, they’re a hacker’s dream—and they’re not very unique.

How your handbook may violate the NLRA

The National Labor Relations Act guarantees employees the right to discuss working conditions and organize. The language contained in your employee handbook can put you on the wrong side of the law.

Safety-first focus shows concern for employees


Toledo, Ohio-based Owens Corning offers cellphones to employees who need them for business, but employees are forbidden from using the phones while driving. The building-materials manufacturer is trying to convince employees to “own” their unsafe behavior.

Return to work challenges breastfeeding moms

Employers are not at all or only moderately supportive of new mothers who need to express breast milk at work, according to 43% of women responding to a new poll.