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HR Management

3 ways to ease the transition from worker to supervisor

It’s the familiar “bud to boss” problem. When exemplary employees are rewarded with promotion into the management ranks, it’s easy to forget that new supervisors don’t have the same background as others who have always worked on the boss side of things.

How to spot 7 common errors on legal bills

If part of your job involves dealing with outside employment law attorneys and reviewing their invoices, know what kind of overcharges to look for.

Know your workforce: Americans living in multigenerational households

One in five of your employees may be helping to support a household that includes grandparents, grandchildren or both.

Make sure arbitration agreements are fair, clearly written and easy to understand

Arbitration agreements are enforceable in California only if they are conscionable. Courts are likely to uphold arbitration agreements written in plain language that is easy for employees to understand.

Backdoor computer access is a federal crime!

Remind employees that attempting to access computer records after they terminate employment may land them in prison—even if they do so with the willing assistance of a current employee.

High- and low-wage jobs to grow most over 5 years


The U.S. economy is expected to add 7,232,517 jobs over the next five years—a 5% increase—but a new study from Economic Modeling Specialists Intl. shows that workers in middle-wage jobs may not find as many opportunities.

Ensuring workplace safety with protective orders


A disgruntled employee is fired for poor performance.What happens when, on the way out, he threatens his manager and co-workers?

Build a foundation of trust

Building trust is a lot like building a house of cards: It takes a long time to create, but doesn’t take long for it to come tumbling down. A broken promise or betrayed confidence can erode trust very quickly.

Snapshot: Responding to workplace violence risks

Mass shootings and terrorism have employers on high alert. Here’s what they say they’re doing to prevent workplace violence.

Made an HR mistake? Go ahead and fix it

Everyone makes mistakes. If you discover you messed up, don’t hesitate to fix the error. You’ll look better in the eyes of a judge should you wind up in court.