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HR Management

The HR I.Q. Test: March ’18


Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

‘Chatbots’ can help provide instant online answers & free up time for HR


Whether it’s discussing vacation policies, enrolling workers in the benefits plan or conducting training, HR chatbots are assisting employees in all these transactions. HR is also using these artificial-intelligence tools in the recruiting process.

Time to rethink your HR-to-employee ratio

If your HR department has been struggling to keep up with a growing workforce and new compliance duties, it may be time to add to your HR staff.

6 phrases to say during your next review

Whether your next performance review goes swimmingly or becomes a half hour of frustration, here are six phrases that will likely paint a more flattering picture of you.

Warn bosses about ‘phone-snubbing’ their employees


More than three quarters (76%) of workers say they lack trust in supervisors who can’t tear themselves away from their smartphones during a conversation or meeting.

Update your plan for preventing violence


The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration is aggressively going after employers that don’t take seriously their responsibility to provide a safe workplace—especially those that don’t have a specific violence prevention program in place.

Survey: Only 39% of new hires tried to negotiate pay


In only three cities did at least half of new hires try to negotiate higher starting pay: New York (55%), Dallas (51%) and San Francisco (50%).

Snapshot: We’re taking much less vacation


Over the last 40 years, the average amount of vacation time American workers take has declined by almost four days.

Attracting, keeping talent is C-Suite’s biggest concern


Attracting and retaining top-notch employees ranks as the foremost concern not only among CEOs but also the rest of the C-Suite, including chief financial officers, according to a new report by the Conference Board business group.

Make your complaint process retaliation-proof by limiting access


Access to internal complaints should be on an as-needed basis. Restricting access to those files limits the number of staff members who can be accused of retaliation.