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HRIS / Technology

Gov. Perry creates Health Care Technology Partnership


Gov. Rick Perry recently issued an executive order creating the Texas Health Care System Integrity Authority, a new public-private partnership that aims for better use of information technology in the health care industry …

Use snail mail, not e-mail, to file unemployment appeal


While it may seem convenient to use e-mail to file appeals of unemployment compensation decisions, be aware of this risk: If the Unemployment Compensation Board of Review doesn’t receive your e-mail, your appeal will be rejected when the 15-day appeal period expires …

Screen teleworkers before sending sensitive data home


Allowing employees to work from home can be a boon for employers trying to increase productivity and keep talented employees from leaving for more flexible jobs. But this flexibility can present an increased risk of fraud, theft and legal action if you keep personal information about employees or customers on your computer network …

Web site helps managers evaluate telework requests


The key to making telework and flextime part of an organization’s everyday business practices is making sure managers understand them, says Kathryn Oliver Kadilak, work/life program manager at the U.S. Department of Justice …

‘Learning center’ offers free classes, advancement potential


Employees at Choice Hotels International’s headquarters in Silver Spring, Md., can take advantage of the company’s Learning Center, a high-tech training facility that offers about 50 classes a year in computer and supervisory skills, time management, communication, writing and decision making …


New DOL resource helps workers plan for retirement


One simple, inexpensive way to help older employees plan for their retirement years: Point them to a new 44-page booklet from the U.S. Labor Department, Taking the Mystery Out of Retirement Planning …

Go After ‘In-House Hackers’ Using State and Federal Law


The so-called paperless society ushered in by the computer age may mean fewer file cabinets and storage rooms full of paper records, but storing company records on hard drives has its own set of problems …

Apply personal touch to firings; don’t use e-mail


Everything is done by e-mail these days, but the American worker still isn’t ready yet to be fired that way …

Latest Low-Cost Perk: Helping employees land child care


With so much absenteeism linked to child care issues, more U.S. employers are offering employees access to new Web sites that help solve a common dilemma: finding a good, reliable babysitter …

Help parents navigate the college application process


Fred C. Church Insurance in Lowell, Mass., offers child care assistance for its young parents and retirement-planning advice for older employers. But it lacked benefits for workers with teenage children … Solution: The 130-employee company added a benefit that gives employees access to counselors who specialize in the college-application process …