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Job announcements: Can more details = fewer lawsuits?


Many employers provide skimpy details on their websites about job openings. The legal problem: Less information can lead to a higher number of unqualified applicants. And when applicants have to speculate at the reasons they’ve been rejected, they’re more likely to sue.

Homebuilder targets teens for future jobs


Homebuilders across the country are having such a hard time hiring enough skilled construction workers and professional staff that many are forced to turn down jobs or delay projects. That’s why William Lyon Homes in Newport Beach, Calif., is recruiting its future workforce now.

Found talent within? Weigh pros, cons of internal hires

At some point, every organization struggles with a decision of whether to promote from within or look outside for a candidate to fill a key vacancy. To put the issue into perspective, here’s a look at the pros and cons of hiring internally and externally.

Using Independent Contractors


HR Law 101: Many organizations use independent contractors as a way to sidestep payroll taxes, expensive fringe benefits and red tape. But if the IRS concludes that those workers are really employees, the employer could be liable for back taxes, penalties and interest charges …

Temp to permanent? OK to set standards high

The temp-to-permanent track can be a win-win for everyone. It’s perfectly fine to establish high standards for making the jump to permanent employment.

IRS Audits: Worker Classification


HR Law 101: The IRS has the burden of proof when it interrogates an employer about its worker classifications. Before the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996, the onus was on the employer to prove that an individual didn’t qualify as an employee …

What millennials really think about work

The recent Millennial Mind Goes to Work survey found surprising insights into their mindset.

Obama’s executive action will affect tech employers

President Obama’s Nov. 20 announcement that he would take executive action to protect about 5 million illegal immigrants from deportation set off a political firestorm, but the plan will affect relatively few employers.

The 15 weirdest interview questions posed in 2014

Want to throw interviewees a real curveball? Consider some of these real-life questions asked in job interviews this year.

Fraud alert: No shortcuts when hiring seasonal staff

With seasonal hiring expected to be at its highest level in years, fraud experts warn that companies that loosen their usual processes to ramp up staffing can wind up increasing their fraud risk.