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Top 10 cities where millennials are moving

Gen Y is a notoriously mobile cohort that relocates a lot, and many won’t settle down to stay until their 30s. Nonetheless, these cities’ ability to attract millennials now leaves them poised for economic vitality for years to come.

‘Before I check your references …’

Before calling references, ask the applicant, “What am I likely to hear when I contact these people?” The answers may surprise you.

Civil Rights Act: Overview


HR Law 101: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars discrimination based on race, national origin and religion. The law applies to all employers that have at least 15 full- or part-time workers and includes U.S. companies that employ Americans abroad …

Hooah! Oorah! Hooyah! Vets’ hiring outlook brightens

Following years of high unemployment, the hiring outlook for recent U.S. veterans may have finally turned the corner. Employers are confident they gain important skills when they hire former members of the military.

Workplace Drug Testing


HR Law 101: Drug testing and substance abuse prevention programs can involve substantial legal liability if employers don’t manage and administer them properly. If your organization decides to implement a drug testing program, there are ways to minimize the risk of employee lawsuits …

Who gets tested for drugs?

The hiring stakes are particularly high for small businesses. That’s why about two-thirds of small business owners reported in a recent survey that they ask job candidates to undergo drug tests before being hired.

Screening/Hiring: Overview


HR Law 101: Protecting yourself and your company from lawsuits starts the minute you decide to hire someone. Potential lawsuit land mines line your path. Federal laws provide a patchwork of legislation protecting workers and applicants from discrimination by employers …

What employers want from job applicants

Aside from technical skills acquired through education and training, employers seek applicants with “soft skills” above all else.

What restrictions limit child labor?

Q. One of my employees asked if her 15-year-old son could work for my business. Under Texas law, in which occupations may teenagers be employed?

Texas boom continues

More than 2.1 million jobs have been created in Texas since 2000, nearly a third of all jobs created nationwide during that time. Over the last 12 months, 413,000 jobs have been added to the Texas economy.