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Lost in MySpace: Know the law before searching web for applicant info


Many of the millions who post information online never think a potential employer might read what they post. Meanwhile, employers believe that if the information is available online for the viewing, they have an obligation to look. However, several laws may restrict how you conduct the search or how you use the information.

Personal information on work computers: No expectation of privacy


A New Jersey appeals court has held for the first time that an employee has no reasonable expectation that personal information stored on work computers is private—even if the employee has created a separate password to protect the information. Employers have the right to search work computers.

15 California firms make Fortune ‘best to work for’ list


Fifteen companies headquartered in California have made the 2009 Fortune magazine “100 Best Companies to Work For” list. Why did so many California companies make the list? Great benefits seem to be the reason.

2 New Jersey companies on Fortune’s ‘best to work for’ list


Two companies headquartered in New Jersey have made Fortune magazine’s 2009 “100 Best Companies to Work For” list: Atlantic Health, headquartered in Morristown; and Novo Nordisk, based in Princeton.

2 Pennsylvania employers make Fortune ‘best’ list


Two companies headquartered in Pennsylvania have made Fortune magazine’s 2009 “100 Best Companies to Work For” list. They are Lehigh Valley Hospital and Health Network, headquartered in Allentown, and retailer Men’s Wearhouse, based in Pittston.

Applicant injured after passing medical exam? Demand another


It’s common to make a job offer contingent on the applicant passing a job-related medical examination. But what happens if the applicant passes the exam and then becomes ill or injured before starting work? In those cases, the employer can demand another exam or more information.

No home specimen collection for Newark P.D. drug tests


When Newark police department representatives went to an unidentified officer’s home while he was on sick leave to collect a urine sample for drug testing, it upset the police union.

New economic stimulus law will find HR working closely with accounting


The politics of the economic recovery and stimulus bill President Obama signed on Feb. 17 have been the talk of Washington for weeks. Now get ready to figure out what it really means for business. Tip for HR pros: Plan on spending lots of time in the accounting department.

Can we be liable for revoking a job offer?


Q. We recently made a job offer to someone, rescinded the offer and then hired another applicant two months later. Is there anything illegal about that?

Can we ask about green card expiration date?


Q. Can we ask an applicant or employee how long his ‘‘green card’’ is good for?