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Ignoring discrimination policy may lead to punitive damages


Train supervisors and managers to report religious and other discrimination, and be sure they know not to retaliate against anyone who does come forward. Ohio state law bars discrimination based on religion and other protected characteristics, and employees who can show they were discriminated against can collect punitive damages

How to discuss late hours without bringing up family obligations


Q. We have a position open in our sales department for someone who will be planning and executing company-sponsored events, most of which would take place outside normal 9-to-5 working hours. Is there a way we can ask about the applicants’ family situations and make it clear that missing these events because of family obligations would not be tolerated?

25 off-limits interview questions

Job interviews present a minefield of legal problems. One wrong question could spark a discrimination lawsuit. That’s why you should never “wing it” during interviews. Instead, create a list of interview questions and make sure every question asks for job-related information that will help in the selection process. To avoid the appearance of discrimination during interviews, do not ask the following 25 questions:

Pregnant Employees: Answers to Your 20 Toughest Legal Questions

White Paper published by The HR Specialist ______________________ Not many years ago, pregnant women were subject to poor treatment from employers and company insurance plans as well. But the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), enacted in 1978, prohibits discrimination on the basis of “pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions.” The PDA required most employers to make […]

Choosing Employees for Promotion: A 6-Step Legal Process

You’re probably relying more heavily on internal promotions than in the past. And as internal candidates compete more and more for coveted “inside” jobs, expect a corresponding rise in the number of failure-to-promote lawsuits when expected promotions don’t materialize. These six steps will help keep you out of court.

Remind bosses: Don’t let ‘Soft’ traits sway hiring, firing


When it comes to hiring and promotions, one of the quickest paths to the courthouse is relying heavily on a person’s subjective qualifications when objective measures point to a better candidate …

‘Anti-Mom’ comments can trigger messy discrimination lawsuits


It’s not only illegal to discriminate against females in the work force, it’s also illegal to show bias against certain subsets of women …

Genetic discrimination bill takes another step in Congress


A committee of the U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation last month that would ban employers from collecting genetic information from employees and applicants and prohibit the use of genetic tests when making employment decisions …

Instruct managers: Make and retain interview notes


If your managers conduct interviews, whether by phone or live, it’s a good idea to remind them to take and keep good notes of those discussions. They’ll need them in case an applicant (or internal candidate) sues …



HR Law 101: In 1998, the Supreme Court issued its first ruling on an AIDS-related issue and its first major interpretation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The justices made it clear that all persons who are HIV-positive, even though they may show no overt symptoms of the disease, are also protected under the ADA …