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Isolated incident or slight doesn’t add up to retaliation


No matter what you do, the workplace will never be free of tensions and annoyances. Although it’s a good idea to encourage courtesy and cordiality, you don’t have to worry that every little slight might come back in the form of a lawsuit …

Have zero tolerance for offensive national-Origin comments


A nation embroiled in war tends to be jittery and tempers run high. When anger and emotion seep into the workplace, things can get ugly. That’s why it’s important to remind everyone that you won’t tolerate comments, gags or jokes aimed at employees who may share ethnicity, religion or national origins with the “enemy” …

New regulations issued regarding Social Security ‘No-Match’ letters


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued new final regulations detailing how employers must respond to Social Security “no-match” letters. That means employers that receive no-match letters now have new legal obligations when it comes to verifying and maintaining federal I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification documents …

Judge slams brakes on new ‘No-Match’ enforcement rules


A U.S. District Court judge has issued a temporary restraining order that stops the Department of Homeland Security from enforcing new rules on how employers must respond to no-match letters. A groups of civil liberties and labor organizations filed a lawsuit charging that the agency doesn’t have the authority to use Social Security records to crack down on illegal immigration.

Vista may not release data on those who employ day laborers


Recently, a Superior Court for San Diego County issued a temporary restraining order to stop the city of Vista from releasing the personal information of employers registered to employ contingent workers. The decision came after Vista passed an ordinance requiring registration of anyone who hired day laborers from “uncontrolled locations” …

Receive public funds? Better not hire illegal workers


In June, Gov. Rick Perry signed a bill that requires Texas businesses receiving taxpayer-subsidized, job-creation grants and tax abatements to certify that they will not knowingly employ undocumented workers …

How to handle ‘No-Match’ letters: New rules go into effect on Sept. 14


The Department of Homeland Security just published final regulations that provide guidance to employers on how to respond to "no-match" letters, which notify employers of discrepancies with employees’ Social Security numbers. If you follow those steps correctly, you’ll earn immunity from penalties if illegal workers are found at your business. How can you comply? Read on.

Chicago suburb mulls tough anti-Immigration policy


Suburban Carpentersville is considering an immigration ordinance that would allow the local government to revoke the business license of any employer hiring undocumented workers …

Increased worker-Eligibility verification began July 1


The first phase of the Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act came online July 1, when public employers and government contractors with 500 or more employees were required to begin conducting work-eligibility checks on their employees …

Want the job? Giving your Social Security number is mandatory


No doubt you’ve read recent accounts about the prevalence of identity theft and the use of Social Security numbers to obtain fraudulent credit cards and other documents. But the rise in such crimes does not excuse employees from giving their Social Security numbers to employers …