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Background Checks

Workplace violence: Keep staff safe the legally smart way


Employers are legally obligated to maintain a safe work environment. When employees commit violent acts against co-workers or customers, employers can be held responsible through negligent-hiring and supervision lawsuits. Each year, roughly 1,000 people are workplace homicide victims. And research shows that killings are five to seven times more likely to occur at workplaces where guns are allowed …

The dreaded reference check: What to say about former employees?


Q. What may an employer say about why an employee left or was fired? …

Employee References: Sample Release Form

White Paper published by The HR Specialist, copyright 2007 ______________________ It’s a smart legal move to require employees to sign a waiver releasing your organization from liability for providing truthful employment references. The following is a sample Employment Reference Release form that was adapted from several state bar associations’ employment law groups. You can use […]

Violence puts Six Flags on the defensive over youth hiring


Six Flags says it probably will reevaluate its employee screening process in the wake of an attack on a teenager on park property this past summer. Three seasonal employees have been arrested for participating in the beating of a 19-year-old Marietta man just outside the park.

Georgia Crime Information Center an invaluable tool for employers


Q. I’ve heard that the state of Georgia can help me make sure my employees are honest, law-abiding citizens. In conducting background checks on applicants, what sort of information is available from the Georgia Crime Information Center (GCIC)? …

Standard background checks not foolproof—Try Internet, too


When the Lima School District hired a new head football coach, the school conducted a standard background check, including reference checks and fingerprint screening by the FBI …

Reference checking: ERKA and how employers should respond


Releasing employment information about a former employee can be a dangerous and tricky situation …

Ask job applicants about felony convictions, but be careful


Q. We are reviewing our employment application, which includes a question about felony convictions. We have been told that we should not ask about an applicant’s arrest record. Can you explain what we can ask and what we cannot ask? We are a relatively small company, with fewer than 100 employees. — C.T.

Can an arrest record factor into hiring?


Q May a California employer consider a worker’s arrest record in making a hiring decision?

Handle employee background checks correctly to lessen liability


More and more employers are conducting criminal background checks on prospective and current employees, and that means employers are asking tough questions about prior arrests and convictions in the application process. To avoid potential liability, your company needs to develop practices and procedures for managing the process. You need to understand applicable state and federal laws concerning background checks …