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When employee complains about discrimination, be alert for signs bosses are retaliating

Has an employee complained about a supervisor’s alleged discrimination? If so, carefully review any important employment decisions the supervisor subsequently makes. Be alert for potential retaliation.

Rebellion after dispute resolution? Discipline


Some employees refuse to accept their employer’s solution to their discrimination complaints. They demand more action. Sometimes those employees begin working against their supervisors, perhaps assuming that any disciplinary action would constitute retaliation. Do you have to cave to their demands?

Some internal complaints may qualify as whistle-blowing

The Texas Whistleblower Act protects some employees who report violations of the law to “an appropriate law enforcement authority.” But does that include complaining up the employer’s chain of command? Sometimes.

When employee complains, you must investigate — but you can insist on a civilized complaint


Sure, everyone knows that employees who make a good-faith complaint alleging some form of discrimination are protected from retaliation. But that doesn’t mean that no one can criticize the employee for making the complaint in a way that’s out of line. If he or she is discourteous, you can and should put an end to the disruptive behavior.

Employees may choose just one: Either workers’ comp or retaliation lawsuit

Here’s a bit of good news for North Carolina employers: The Court of Appeals of North Carolina has rejected a bid to expand the right to sue one’s employer for retaliation.

Invest a little in harassment training upfront to avoid sky-high litigation costs later


If you do nothing else during training sessions, at least impress upon supervisors and managers the costly mess that can result if they allow any sort of harassment or retaliation in their departments. And remind them that it doesn’t matter if employee complaints fail to stand up in court.

Green Brook Township settles race harassment case

The U.S. Department of Justice has mediated a settlement between a black highway worker and Green Brook Township, ending an EEOC lawsuit that alleged harassment and retaliation.

Employee can sue for legal fees after winning EEOC claim

Don’t think your legal troubles are over after the EEOC decides a case and you decide not to appeal. The employee can still sue you in federal court to recover his attorneys’ fees for the work the lawyer did before the case went to the EEOC.

Retaliation alert: Most public employees protected when reporting alleged wrongdoing

Public employees have First Amendment free speech rights, including protection from reprisal for reporting alleged wrongdoing to superiors. They lose that protection only if reporting wrongdoing is part of their jobs.

Don’t tolerate threats, even if they occur during conversation about possible discrimination


Employees who complain about alleged discrimination are protected from retaliation for complaining. That protection, however, isn’t unlimited. There’s a huge difference, for example, between an employee who calmly reports that he has been discriminated against and someone whose complaints sound more like threats of physical harm.