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Documentation key to stopping that 2nd suit!


Congratulations! You’ve settled a case. Now make sure the same employee doesn’t sue you again. Remind managers and supervisors to treat the employee exactly like they treat all other employees in the same position.

Transfer—without penalty—won’t make a retaliation suit


An employee who files a discrimination complaint is protected from retaliation. But that doesn’t mean employers can’t make everyday moves—such as transferring someone who once complained of bias—without risking a lawsuit.

Think twice before firing workers’ comp applicant


Minnesota employees are protected from being fired in retaliation for filing a workers’ compensation claim. That means employers have to think twice before discharging such an employee for anything but the most solid reasons.

Coincidental timing alone does not make a retaliation claim


Sometimes, employees think they can save themselves from being disciplined by making a fuss about possible employer wrongdoing. They assume that whistle-blowing will protect them from being fired, for example, because their employer’s timing will look suspect. Smart employers don’t fall for this.

How long do we need to hold job for employee out for workers’ comp injury?


Q. Is an employer required to keep a job open for an employee who is out on an indefinite leave due to a workers’ compensation injury? Does the employee have an automatic right to get put back into the same job he was doing right before he was injured?

Employee sues union for unfair labor practice


Employees are suing everyone these days—even their own unions. William Miron, a 17-year employee of the Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority, recently won a lawsuit against the Amalgamated Transit Union, which represents the bus company’s employees.

Get legal help right away when union moves in


After years of setbacks, the labor movement is enjoying a renaissance. More employers will find themselves with a unionized workforce. If you suspect your employees will seek union representation, hire an attorney who is an expert on organized labor unionization right away. Otherwise, you may find yourself facing unfair labor practice charges.

Associational discrimination: How close is close enough?


Last year, in Thompson v. North Am. Stainless, the 6th Circuit recognized a claim under Title VII’s anti-retaliation provision for associational retaliation: “Title VII prohibit[s] employers from taking retaliatory action against employees not directly involved in protected activity, but who are so closely related to or associated with” employees who engage in protected activity. I remain critical of this standard because it leaves open the issue of how close is close enough.

Don’t be fooled: ‘Quit or be fired’ won’t stop employee from filing lawsuit


Some companies mistakenly believe that offering an employee the option of quitting or being fired can save them from a later lawsuit. That isn’t always the case even if the employee decides to resign. In fact, an employee who quits to avoid being fired may have been “constructively discharged” and can still sue …

Will county auditor get to review his own settlement check?


Back in 2004, Grimes County Auditor Sidney “Buck” LaQuey took a shine to Bridgette Massey, whom he hired to work in his office—even though she had no auditing experience. Eventually, Massey filed an EEOC complaint in 2006, followed by a lawsuit in 2007, alleging sexual harassment and retaliation …