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Retaliation threat ends when employment does


Employees who blow the whistle on their employers’ alleged illegal actions are protected from retaliation. But that protection has important limits. One of those is that the retaliation must take place while the employee is still working for the employer.

Settling case? Prevent a second lawsuit by including promise not to reapply


When you settle a lawsuit involving discrimination or some other employment matter, you typically want that to be the end of it. But what if the former employee applies for an open position? Avoid a second lawsuit by including a condition in the settlement that bars the employee from ever seeking employment with the company again.

It’s your right to demand good performance—even from employees who take FMLA leave


Employees who take FMLA leave or engage in other protected activities sometimes look for signs their employer is illegally punishing them. They interpret every legitimate request for improvement as retaliation. Fortunately, courts are beginning to reject those frivolous claims.

Worker claimed retaliation? Don’t fear legitimate firing


Sometimes, employees think all it takes to keep from being fired is a well-timed complaint alleging discrimination, harassment or retaliation. That, they reason, will scare an employer into overlooking poor performance or even criminal behavior. Don’t fall for it.

Issuing a reprimand? That’s not retaliation


Don’t think that just because an employee has filed an internal or EEOC discrimination complaint, you have to treat him with kid gloves. You can and should manage the employee just like you would any other staff member. Rest assured, issuing a reprimand or other mild disciplinary actions isn’t enough to support a retaliation lawsuit.

Beware firing after employee files workers’ comp claim


Florida employees are protected from retaliation for filing workers’ compensation claims. Any move that may be seen as punishment or retaliation—that comes shortly after an employee files for workers’ comp—may lead to a lawsuit based almost entirely on timing alone.

Law doesn’t cover blowing whistle on co-workers


Florida employees are protected from retaliation for whistle-blowing, but courts have been limiting what they consider to be blowing the whistle. For example, in one recent case, a court concluded that a co-worker’s attempts to report a fellow pharmacy worker’s lax prescription practices was not whistle-blowing.

What’s likely to happen when an employee waits two months to charge harassment?


Q. A female employee has made a hostile environment claim for the first time. She alleged that her male supervisor began sexually harassing her more than two months ago. She claims she didn’t complain sooner because she feared her supervisor would retaliate against her. Based on her excuse, will we still be able to defend against a lawsuit claim by asserting that she unreasonably failed to use the complaint procedure available to her to prevent and stop any alleged harassment?

Support exempt decisions with job analysis


If an employee asks to be reclassified from nonexempt to exempt, make sure you carefully look at her position to determine her proper classification. If you have a legitimate reason for your classification decision, chances are she won’t be able to win a claim that you discriminated when you refused to reclassify her as an exempt employee.

Check for retaliation before disciplining employee who requested ADA accommodations


Do you have a manager who wants to discipline an employee who just requested a reasonable accommodation under the ADA? Before you approve the discipline, make sure the manager can document past problems or that the discipline is warranted based on a serious rule infraction that has happened since the request.