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Do supervisors’ ‘Unofficial’ employee files raise any legal red flags?


Q. We have several supervisors who insist on keeping their own private files on employees in their departments, especially to record absences and comp days. Is this legal? …

Don’t share HR files that wipe out attorney-Client privilege


If you want to avoid airing your organization’s dirty laundry in public, take note: Before you turn over a copy of an employee’s personnel record, go through the file carefully. Remove any correspondence between the HR office and your attorney. It is technically privileged communication …

Consider ADA, discrimination, validity issues when using personality tests


Some employers use personality or psychological tests to screen applicants and employees being considered for jobs or promotions. Proponents say personality tests are an economical way of screening employees. However, critics argue that these tests might not accurately reflect an individual’s honesty, integrity or other personality traits. Others say the tests violate the employee’s privacy …

Going paperless: Can personnel records be electronic?


Q. We’re drowning in paper and would like to go paperless. Can we create strictly electronic personnel and payroll records? — T.P., Indiana …

Employee leaves in ambulance: How much to disclose?


A reader of the Forum section of our free HR Weekly e-letter posed this question: “An employee was taken from work by ambulance with chest pain. For privacy reasons, we didn’t give any details to staff. Some were upset they weren’t informed or updated. Did we handle this correctly?” Here’s how some HR professionals replied …

Hospital workers suspended for peeping at George Clooney’s medical files


When actor George Clooney was admitted into the Palisades Medical Center in North Bergen after a motorcycle accident, staffers scrambled to get a glimpse of the star. Others apparently contented themselves with a peek at his medical files …

Protecting business—and reputation—Against ‘Cyber-Slander’


Complaints from employees, customers and competitors are nothing new in the business world. Until recently, if complaints crossed the line from mere opinions to false statements—that is, downright lies—companies could threaten a defamation lawsuit. Often, the mere threat of litigation will cause a disgruntled critic to back off. Today, however, companies face a more insidious and growing problem: Internet libel, commonly known as “cyber-slander.”

Workplace chaplains boost morale, productivity


Having a man or woman of the cloth around the office is a growing trend for companies keen on work/life benefits. Thousands of clergymen and clergywomen work full time or part time in corporate America as chaplains, ministering to employees’ spiritual needs and providing counseling services. If you think your organization might benefit from having a chaplain in the workplace, consider how you will structure his or her employment and the qualifications that will best serve your employees …

Animal control officer dogged by prescription revelation


A Port St. Lucie animal control officer is suing the city after her supervisor wrote a public memo revealing the officer’s use of a prescription drug. The supervisor found legal anti-anxiety pills in the officer’s purse while searching her work truck for a receipt related to a wayward-dog case …

Consider ADA, discrimination, validity issues when using personality tests


Some employers use personality or psychological tests to screen applicants and employees being considered for jobs or promotions. Proponents say personality tests are an economical way of screening employees. However, critics argue that these tests might not accurately predict an individual’s honesty, integrity or other personality traits. Others say the tests violate the employee’s privacy …