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Employment Law

Don’t delay reasonable accommodations decision


Employees who are disabled are entitled to reasonable accommodations. Employers and employees are supposed to talk about possible accommodations in what’s called the interactive accommodations process. An unreasonable delay in the process may amount to an ADA violation.

Make amends fast if mistake harms worker


Supervisors accused of discrimination sometimes lose their tempers—and then proceed to say or do something stupid. When that happens, act fast to step in and make amends. That’s especially important if the affected employee has walked off the job. The key is to make the employee understand that he still has a job and should return to work.

What’s our ADA liability if an employee never informed us he needed accommodation?

Q. An employee recently resigned from our company. In his resignation letter, he told us that he was disappointed that we were unable to accommodate his sleep apnea … However, he never told us until he resigned that he suffered from any medical condition, including sleep apnea. How are we supposed to accommodate a medical condition that we don’t know about?

What should we do when an employee provides conflicting FMLA certification notes?

Q. An employee seeking FMLA leave presented medical certification from her doctor that stated that her medical condition didn’t prevent her from performing the essential functions of her job. A few days later, she presented a second form that stated the opposite. Can we hold her to the first certification, or do we have to accept the second form and grant FMLA leave?

Don’t rely on ‘equal-opportunity jerk’ defense


Employers facing sexual harassment lawsuits against offensive, foul-mouthed managers sometimes trot out the “equal-opportunity harasser” defense. It basically says: We know our guy is rough, but he didn’t sexually harass women because he treats all his employees horribly. That’s a pretty flimsy nail to hang your defense on—and one that often doesn’t work.

Department of Labor to study FMLA usage; may signal more upcoming regulatory changes

The DOL announced it plans to conduct a study next year of how employees use leave under the FMLA, a move that could be a sign the agency is planning more regulatory changes to the law. The timing of this announcement suggests any FMLA regulatory changes won’t be rolled out until 2011 at the earliest.

Across the table: 10 tips to help you prepare for a deposition

A deposition may feel like a simple conversation between the parties in a lawsuit, but it isn’t. It’s a tool used by a highly skilled practitioner to lock-in your side of the story, build his or her case and evaluate you as a trial witness. Here are the top 10 things to think about as you prepare to give testimony in a deposition.

6th Circuit’s surprise call: Pregnancy ‘impairments’ are disabilities


The ADA expressly excludes pregnancy as a disability. The law says so, and I’ve always believed it to be true. But now a new decision has turned that notion on its head—and that may mean you’ll have to make some changes to your policies.

Ohio settles with state workers who charged religious bias


Without admitting any wrongdoing, the Ohio state government has settled a religious discrimination suit brought by three former members of the Workers’ Compensation Council. The three workers will split $55,000, plus $15,000 in attorneys’ fees after they were fired in February by Council Director Virginia McInerney.

Hyundai Ideal Electric faces pay bias suit


The EEOC has filed suit against Hyundai Ideal Electric in Mansfield for allegedly firing a woman in retaliation for complaining about a pay disparity. Tabitha Wagner, a drafter, complained that she earned less than a similarly situated male drafter with less seniority. In the suit, Wagner claims she complained to HR Manager Jon Shearer on Nov. 11, 2008. Shearer terminated her the next day.