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Employment Law

Must we accommodate ‘alternative’ religions?

Q. We gave three Muslim employees a prayer area and time off to pray. This seems to have given others ideas. We had two religious accommodation requests for time off and dress code modifications. But I’ve never heard of their “religion.” Can I ask more about it?

Should we forbid supervisors from becoming their subordinates’ friend on Facebook?

Q. A supervisor recently asked if he was allowed to accept a subordinate’s “friend” request on Facebook. How should we advise our supervisors?

Must we prorate bonuses for employees who missed work while out on FMLA leave?

Q. Many of our employees are eligible for a bonus at the end of each year if they meet specific yearly sales goals. Are we required to prorate the bonus for employees who fail to meet their goals because they took FMLA leave during the year?

How to legally make the digital leap to electronic HR records

Given the low cost and the easy accessibility of electronic records storage, many employers are making the digital leap to “paperless” HR. But despite the many benefits of going paperless, a host of legal problems could derail even the best-intentioned digital records plan. Carefully consider these legal issues when transitioning to an electronic personnel records system.

St. Paul cancer victim’s case may show ADAAA’s impact

The tragic case of a St. Paul nurse who died of cancer may soon test the reach of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, now that the EEOC has filed a lawsuit alleging that her employer violated the law by refusing to accommodate her disability.

Follow federal FLSA rules to pay for ‘donning & doffing’

Good news for Minnesota employers that have been worried about how to pay employees for the time they spend putting on and taking off protective clothing before and after their shifts: Paying overtime as required by federal law generally means no additional payment is due under Minnesota law.

Make sure employees record all hours they work

Do you have an hourly employee who seems to be getting a tremendous amount of work done? Make sure she isn’t skipping breaks.

Retaliation long after employee complained? Courts skeptical when years pass without incident

Judges understand that human emotion plays a part in some personnel actions—especially in cases involving alleged retaliation. They know that if an employer was planning to retaliate for something an employee did, it wouldn’t wait several years to act.

IWW gets 2nd shot to represent Twin Cities fast-food workers

One of the few union organizing efforts in the fast-food business will get another chance. The Industrial Workers of the World lost an October 2010 unionization vote at Twin Cities area Jimmy John’s restaurants. But unfair labor practices charges against the franchisee who owns the 10 restaurants mean a new vote is likely in coming months.

Worry that boss is a bully? Ask subordinates


You hear a lot about bullies and bullying these days, especially in schools. But bullies grow up. If they’re not stopped, they bring intimidation and violence into the workplace. What’s worse, some of them will become supervisors. If you get wind of a potential bully boss, here’s what to do: