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Employment Law

Electrical contractor to pay for fed labor law violations

Fourteen employees of Quinco Electrical—a nationwide commercial electrical firm with a major office in Raleigh—will be getting something extra in their pay envelopes now that the company has settled a case alleging it violated federal contracting labor laws.

No personal supervisor liability under Title VII


Some employees are so angry about perceived supervisor discrimination and harassment that they want the offending boss to suffer personally. They’ll often try to sue their supervisors directly. Fortunately, that doesn’t work for Title VII discrimination lawsuits.

Employee miffed about your decision? That’s no reason to tolerate insubordination


Employees tend to get angry if management dismisses or turns a blind eye to some perceived injustice. That anger may manifest itself in many ways, including refusing to cooperate with reasonable requests. You don’t have to put up with that passive-aggressive behavior.

Pattern of strict enforcement helps win harassment cases

A strictly enforced anti-harassment policy can counter an employee’s argument that she didn’t use the system because she believed it would not help.

Head off problem employees’ retaliation suits: Document all decision-making as it happens


Guess which of your employees are among the most likely to file a discrimination complaint, request ADA accommodations or ask for FMLA leave. Those who know they’re in trouble at work. They think that by doing so, they’ll make you think twice before discharging them. If that doesn’t keep you from firing them, guess what happens next.

Harassment ‘cure’ can’t burden employee more


Employers have an obligation to stop illegal harassment as quickly as possible. But jumping at the first apparent solution may not be the best way to go. First, consider whether the proposed fix makes things worse for the victim. If it does, you’ll need to take another approach.

Don’t change termination reason after the fact


Before you officially terminate an employee, make sure you have nailed down the reasons. That’s the official word—even if your decision is challenged. Here’s why: A court may see new or additional reasons as evidence that the first reasons were just excuses.

Supreme Court: Check boss bias before discipline

It’s more important than ever now for HR professionals to independently check supervisors’ disciplinary recommendations to ensure that they have no ulterior motives. That’s because the U.S. Supreme Court, in a much-anticipated “cat’s paw” ruling, said that an employer can be found liable for the discriminatory intent of supervisors who influence—but don’t ultimately make—an adverse employment decision.

One sex always does the dirty work? Be prepared to show that it’s essential


If supervisors disproportionally push either men or women to perform certain distasteful or dangerous tasks, you could face a sex discrimination claim. If that happens, you had better be prepared to show that gender is a bona fide occupational qualification for the tasks.

Consider all options: When co-worker harasses, termination isn’t the only way to avoid liability


The key to handling any kind of harassment case involving co-workers is to immediately investigate the allegations and follow up with solutions designed to stop the mis­behavior. But those solutions don’t always have to include terminating the har­assing co-worker. Suspensions, training and other remedial actions may be enough …