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Employment Law

Spotted error in administering FMLA leave? Fix it fast to show your good faith

The FMLA has strict rules on how and when to designate an employee’s time off as FMLA leave. However, if you make a technical error but act quickly to correct it, you probably won’t face liability if an employee sues for an FMLA violation.

‘Reply All’ email response may be protected by NLRA

The National Labor Relations Act allows employees to discuss working conditions among themselves. That includes responding to a critical email about working conditions by hitting “Reply All” to offer support or thanks to the original sender.

You can’t accommodate every disability

A consensus on possible and practical accommodations usually emerges when the employer and employee engage in an interactive process to explore various options. But that isn’t always the case.

OK to revoke job offer for false application

When you find a promising candidate for an opening, make your offer contingent on passing a background check. If that investigation reveals disturbing information such as including false information on the application, you may revoke the offer.

More states put limits on noncompete agreements

This past year saw the passage of several new state laws that restrict employers’ use of noncompete agreements, including five states that banned employers’ use of noncompete pacts for certain low-wage employees.

Transient injuries don’t usually trigger ADA

In order to claim coverage under the ADA, a worker must show that he has a “physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.” Generally, most temporary conditions don’t qualify, even though they may be considered serious health conditions under the FMLA.

NLRB gives back email control to employers

The National Labor Relations Board on Dec. 17 reestablished the right of employers to restrict employee use of company-owned email for purposes unrelated to work, striking a blow against labor unions.

Flu days and the FMLA don’t always go together

According to the Department of Labor in an opinion letter to an inquiring employer, you can require employees to take unpaid FMLA leave, even if they’d rather use paid sick leave.

Review disciplinary records to uncover hidden supervisory discrimination

Before discharging an employee for violating a rule, make sure that he or she really did commit an infraction. Be particularly alert for the possibility that a supervisor might have tried to manipulate the rules to get an employee to break one.

DOL’s new regular rate of pay rule makes OT more affordable

The Department of Labor delivered an early holiday gift to employers on Dec. 12, releasing final regulations on how to calculate the regular rate of pay on which overtime pay is based.