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Employment Law

When workers must wear special gear, beware lawsuit if you don’t pay for ‘donning & doffing’

Employees who believe they haven’t been properly paid for the time they spend getting into and out of protective gear are engaging lawyers and filing class-action lawsuits.

Weigh liability limits when structuring company


Think you can split your business into separate entities to avoid being covered by some laws like the FMLA—and maybe limit the amount employees can collect if they sue under Title VII? Think again. That won’t work if the entities retain a centralized management structure.

Want to catch harassment? Go looking for it

More than a decade after the U.S. Supreme Court decided its biggest sexual harassment and hostile work-environment cases, women are still filing and winning sexual harassment lawsuits. Many of them could easily have been prevented had HR and upper-level management taken regular, surprise walks through the factory floor and other work areas.

Do we have to pay for nonexempt’s travel time for one-day out-of-town trips?

Q. One of our executives will be making day trips once a week to Boston from Philadelphia for a special assignment. Do we have to compensate the secretary (she is nonexempt) for her travel time to and from Boston?

Must we comply with subpoena for worker’s file?

Q. We recently received a subpoena to produce the contents of an employee’s personnel file in connection with a federal lawsuit. The employee is a party to the lawsuit, but the company is not. Do we have to comply with the subpoena? Should we tell the employee about the subpoena?

Check your hiring practices! EEOC takes aim at systemic bias

As its workload has increased, the EEOC has sought greater funding so it can pursue cases in which employer hiring practices discriminate broadly against members of protected classes. Those practices include using criminal background checks and credit-history checks to screen applicants.

City council goes after clerks, but catches lawsuits instead

The Westmoreland County town of Jeanette is seeing more than its share of employment litigation. Two city clerks have filed lawsuits, one for age discrimination, the other as a whistle-blower suit.

Appeals court: Walmart owes $188 million for unpaid work

The Pennsylvania Superior Court has upheld a $188 million verdict against Walmart stores and Sam’s Club warehouse stores in a case involving 187,000 current and former employees. A jury had concluded that’s what the retailer owed employees for rest breaks that should have been paid and for off-the-clock work.

Tally cost before replacing ‘key’ FMLA leave-taker

Employers sometimes think they can replace key employees who take FMLA leave. Not true. They must show that reinstating the employee would have caused substantial and grievous economic injury to the company.

Know ADAAA rules on accommodations for disabilities that can be medically controlled

The 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals has sent a signal that it may now hold employers to a higher standard when it comes to employees whose disabilities are under control, but need time off to keep them that way.