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Employment Law

Base FMLA eligibility on date leave begins


Employees have to give 30 days’ notice before taking FMLA leave. That means some employees may ask for FMLA leave before they are actually eligible. For example, an employee may request time off for a serious health condition when he still has a few hours more to work before hitting the one-year or 1,250-hour milestone. Employers can’t deny the request merely because it was made before the employee became eligible.

FMLA policy: How do I draft it if few are eligible?

Q. Our company has 250 employees in eight states, but we have FMLA eligible employees in only one state. As I rewrite our employee handbook, I will include the mandatory FMLA language. However, I would like some input on what type of policy, if any, to include for non-FMLA eligible employees.

DOL cracks down! Are your classifications FLSA-compliant?

In the past year, the U.S. Department of Labor has renewed its focus on combating employee misclassification, and there has been a recent significant increase in the number of wage-and-hour lawsuits. In many of these cases, workers are challenging their designation as exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Can we give paid time off as a bonus to some?

Q. One of the owners suggested that paid time off for employees should not be a set benefit, but a bonus. Can we just award paid time off as a bonus to some employees and not to others?

The cure for FMLA pains … a Cancun vacation?

Ever wonder if your employees out on FMLA leave are really sitting on a beach sipping a drink with a little umbrella in it? If you think employees are violating your policies, what can you do? One court ruled last month that you can fire such an employee … but first make sure you have the right policies in place.

Got off-site workers? Heed these 6 important legal risks

Beyond choosing the right positions for telework, employers must address important legal issues before adopting a telecommuting policy. Be prepared to consider how such a policy will be affected by the Fair Labor Stand­­ards Act, OSHA, the ADA, workers’ compensation rules, privacy concerns and tax laws.

Making paycheck deductions in New York is dangerous business


When an employee owes the company money, it may be tempting to simply deduct it from his or her next paycheck. But in New York, that can be a big mistake. Over the past couple of years, the New York State Department of Labor has issued several opinion letters that significantly narrow its interpretation of New York Labor Law Section 193.

Rank, privilege won’t protect predatory harasser

People in positions of authority sometimes get away with behaving badly. But when the authority figure is a com­pany owner who harasses and assaults a vulnerable employee, you can expect a court to come down hard on the offender.

Sued for bias? Prepare to hand over personnel files

Personnel records contain information that’s prime material in any employment discrimination lawsuit. An employee who alleges discrimination is entitled to see how she compares with other similarly situated employees, and can do that by reviewing relevant personnel files.

Expressing concern about employee’s condition isn’t enough to show disability discrimination

When a disabled employee reports a relapse or worsening condition, it’s natural to express sympathy. As long as that expression doesn’t show prejudice or stereotypical views about the condition or disabled individuals in general, that won’t put you on the losing end of an ADA lawsuit.