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Employment Law

Off-hours training: Paid or unpaid?

Q. We are requiring some hourly employees to take additional training. Those who work the day shift can attend the training in lieu of work. But employees who work the night shift will have to come in during the day. Must we pay extra for the night shift employees to attend the training?

Employees’ SSNs off limits in FLSA litigation

The time to confirm employees’ Social Security numbers is when they’re hired, not when you’re slapped with a lawsuit for unpaid overtime and minimum wage violations. A federal trial court has ruled that an employer was out of bounds in requesting this information.

Managing ‘job creep’ in today’s jobless recovery

More than half of all employees have taken on new roles during the eco­nomic downturn, according to a recent survey. That’s “job creep,” and it’s a big problem, with important employment law implications. It may already be hurting your company. Here’s how to fix it.

PwC sued for alleged bias, retaliation in Tampa office

An Arab-American of Moroccan descent has charged consulting giant PwC (formerly Pricewaters­houseCoopers) with discrimination and retaliation after it fired him and allegedly orchestrated his firing from another firm.

BellSouth ‘managers’ win class certification


A federal judge has allowed an FLSA class-action lawsuit against BellSouth Telecommunications to move forward. The class consists of “level-one” managers who claim they have been misclassified so the company won’t have to give them overtime pay.

Quitting for sex harassment warrants unemployment comp

Employees who can show they quit their jobs because of unresolved complaints about sexual harassment are entitled to unemployment benefits.

Court: Isolated risqué comments aren’t enough to create a hostile work environment

Not every inappropriate comment in the workplace is grounds for a lawsuit. Even several isolated comments don’t necessarily make the workplace hostile, especially if they aren’t directed at the complaining employee.

Does your organization rely on federal funding? Beware False Claims Act lawsuits

There’s a new legal worry for organizations that receive federal funding contingent on complying with performance conditions. Under the federal False Claims Act (FCA), employees reporting wrongdoing may receive a whistle-blower award worth up to 25% of funds wrongly received by their employer.

Know the FMLA rules: You must allow intermittent leave before women give birth


Some employers mistakenly believe that women who want to use FMLA leave when they become pregnant can’t demand intermittent leave. Managers may be confusing FMLA provisions that apply to the time leading up to the birth of a child with those that apply to the time after the child is born (or adopted).

Restore returning soldiers to equivalent jobs


With more veterans returning from active duty service in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, employers are facing more reemployment claims. Under USERRA, service members are entitled to reinstatement as if they never left for deployment. That right includes seniority and allowance for promotions that would have occurred if they had not been deployed.