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Employment Law

NUMMI pays $6 million to settle plant-closing suit

The EEOC and the New United Motor Manufacturing Inc. (NUMMI) have settled claims that the company denied benefits and locked out disabled workers before a plant shutdown in Fremont.

Display new pro-union poster by Nov. 14


Make room for another poster on your breakroom wall. The National Labor Relations Board announced last month that most private employers will have to display a new poster in their workplaces that notifies employees of their right to form or join a union. The poster is available now for download on the NLRB website.

Must we grant time off for rehab?

Q. An employee recently confided to us that he has a drug problem and would like to take several weeks off to check into a rehabilitation program. May we deny his request?

Does the FCRA cover private eyes looking into workers’ comp fraud?

Q. We suspect that one of our employees has filed a fraudulent workers’ compensation claim. We would like to hire a private investigator to gather information on his activities. By doing so, are we subject to the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act?

NLRB issues final employee rights posting rule


The National Labor Relations Board has announced its final rule on Notification of Employee Rights under the National Labor Rela­­tions Act. The proposed rule had been pending since December of last year. Now that it is final, employers have until Nov. 14 to put up an official poster stating that employees have a right to form or join a union.

Appeals court sends card check case to arbitration

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has sent to arbitration a labor/management dispute over union representation following several lawsuits that accused employers of acting in bad faith by refusing to accept the union as em­­ployees’ bargaining representative.

ADA accommodations aren’t always possible

Sometimes, employers have to stand their ground and refuse to try an un­­workable accommodation.

It follows California contract law: Employees have 4 years to sue for ERISA benefits

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that former employees who believe they are missing out on ERISA-protected benefits have four years to sue for those benefits after their request is formally denied.

Understand CFRA leave limits: Employees’ reinstatement rights last just 12 weeks

The Court of Appeal of California has clarified that employees taking California Family Rights Act leave are entitled to reinstatement to the same or an equivalent job only if they return at the end of their 12 weeks of leave or earlier. They can’t take additional non-CFRA leave to ex­­­tend their return rights.

‘At-will’ in peril: Warn managers to never use ‘permanent’ when describing jobs


Remind managers and supervisors involved in the hiring process never to use the term “permanent” when discussing a job. Doing so may give employees ammunition should they later claim they are not at-will workers. Best practice: Have employees sign an acknowledgment that their em­­ployment is at-will.