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Employment Law

Discipline OK for stonewalling investigation


Sexual harassment allegations often come down to he said/she said arguments. Without hearing from both sides, there’s no way to figure out what happened. If one of the people involved in the allegations won’t talk, you can discipline him for refusing to co­­operate.

Does our ‘sick leave bonus’ count toward employee’s regular rate of pay?

Q. We pay a bonus for not using accrued sick leave. Does that count when determining an employee’s regular rate of pay for overtime purposes?

Can we offer more vacation in lieu of OT pay?

Q. May an employer compensate an employee for overtime work by awarding additional paid vacation time equal to the total accrued overtime?

Texas’ new ‘Loser Pays Law’: Employers score a win


Texas employers have long been frustrated with the expense of defending against frivolous claims. Even when employers win a lawsuit, litigation can cost thousands in legal fees and lost productivity. Now at least some help is on the way. The Texas Legislature has passed the much-hyped “Loser Pays Law.”

Shared password rouses firing, lawsuit against TIAA-CREF

A Texas employee of TIAA-CREF is suing the retirement fund giant after she was fired for allegedly sharing her computer password with a co-worker. In June 2011, she resigned to avoid being fired for the offense.

Time to revamp policies banning guns in parking lots

Many employers have workplace violence policies that prohibit em­­ployees from possessing firearms in or around the workplace. They’ll have to rethink those policies, now that Texas has a new law that limits most em­­ployers’ right to bar employees from having firearms in vehicles parked at em­­ployers’ parking areas.

Harassment: How to stop it before–and after–it starts

Protect your organization from harassment lawsuits by focusing your attention on both preventive and corrective measures. Give every employee a copy of your anti-harassment policy. Train everyone to ensure they understand their rights and responsibilities.

Supervisor harassment? You can force arbitration

Employers can use an arbitration clause to compel arbitration of al­­most all employment-related problems, including supervisor sexual harassment. That can limit the chance of a huge jury award.

Only one bite at the apple when it comes to bias cases

A Texas court has headed off an employee’s attempt to sue twice for the same discrimination claim—once in federal court and again in Texas.

Court: Punishment for helping outsider file harassment complaint isn’t retaliation

The U.S. Supreme Court’s Thompson v. North American Stain­­less decision said that it was illegal retaliation to punish the fiancé of someone who had complained about sexual harassment. But what about punishing an em­­­­­­ployee because an outsider has filed sexual harassment charges? Accord­­ing to a recent decision, that isn’t illegal under Title VII.