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Employment Law

Air Marshals aren’t biased; they just don’t communicate

When CNN ran a report in 2010 alleging pervasive bias in the Federal Air Marshal’s Service (FAMS), authorities braced for the worst. The good news: The resulting government investigation didn’t uncover widespread discrimination. The bad news: Investigators found that many FAMS employees believe they have been discriminated against.

Flat rate leads to lump-sum settlement

A federal court has ordered Roseville-based Aspen Nursing Services to pay more than $210,000 in back wages and liquidated damages to 22 employees in Kentucky and Ohio.

OSHA finds violations at St. Cloud veterans facility

St. Cloud Veterans Affairs Health Care System facility faces 19 health and safety violations after OSHA inspectors found eight repeat safety violations for such hazards as inadequate guardrails, blocked exit routes and failure to protect workers against electrical shocks.

Shocker: Class-action case doesn’t break the bank

Not every collective or class-action case has to blow up into a multimillion-dollar nightmare. Instead, some judges are approving more modest settlements, if this case is any indication.

Taking part-time job during medical leave isn’t misconduct


Employees out on disability or FMLA leave sometimes need to supplement their incomes. Taking a part-time job within medical restrictions is one solution. That may seem disloyal. But firing the employee will probably make her eligible for unemployment benefits.

Know the difference between whistle-blowing and an employee looking for an excuse to sue

There’s whistle-blowing and then there’s setting up one’s employer for a lawsuit. Genuine whistle-blowers are protected from retaliation. Those looking to make a quick buck are not.

OK to ask about employee’s ability to do job after returning from FMLA leave

Some employees aren’t able to perform their jobs after returning from FMLA leave. Employers can certainly raise the issue with the employee and can even terminate the employee if she can’t do her old job.

More union members in 2011, thanks to private-sector gains

Changing economic conditions and favorable rule-making in Washington helped U.S. union membership in­­crease to 14.8 million workers last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In Minnesota, 15.1% of workers belong to a union.

Immediate harassment danger? Protect victims


Sexual harassment is always a serious issue that warrants fast corrective action. In most cases, it’s appropriate to simply separate the alleged harasser and victim while you investigate. But more immediate help may be in order if the harasser and the victim are traveling together or isolated.

Warn bosses: Bias could mean punitive damages

Warn decision-makers who decide to act on their own, ignoring HR’s guidance: Juries can hold them personally liable for legal missteps—and make them pay punitive damages.