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Employment Law

Government employees have limited privacy rights

Public employees don’t lose all privacy rights just because they work for the government. But that privacy is subject to limitations.

Anonymous complaint? Investigate to get all details


If you receive an anonymous complaint about a hostile workplace, launch an investigation right away. That way, if an employee later sues, you can easily compare what he said to the investigator with what he remembers now.

It’s your word against hers: Juries often decide if charges are trumped up


If you get sued for retaliation by an employee who has previously filed a sexual harassment complaint, a jury will probably be suspicious of any discipline she received after complaining. Unless you can convincingly show the discipline you levied was deserved, a jury will have to decide if it was retaliation or legitimate punishment.

Beware defamation lawsuit after firing: Keep the reason confidential


If you need to fire an employee for unethical actions, how you handle the termination may mean the difference between winning and losing a defamation lawsuit. Most important: Share information about the termination only with those who need to know about it.

EEOC plays hardball? Continue to negotiate


The EEOC is supposed to engage in a conciliation process before suing employers for alleged employment violations. But sometimes the agency comes out with guns blazing, demanding a huge payment to settle a complaint. Some employers naturally respond negatively—and they may even walk away without further discussions. One employer recently did just that, and then tried to get a federal court to dismiss the EEOC lawsuit.

Track what happens to everyone on a PIP

Here’s a tip if you use performance improvement plans (PIP) before termination. Track what happens to everyone who’s on a PIP. Note those who quit instead of facing discharge.

Union membership inched higher last year

Shuffling economic conditions and favorable rule-making in Washington helped union membership rise in 2011 by 49,000 people, up to 14.8 million workers, says the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Confidential comp: Can we ban talk of pay?

Q. I’m confused about what we can do to restrict gossiping over pay. We think it’s nobody’s business and our pay rates are based on a number of factors. Can’t we tell new employees that we consider compensation levels confidential?

What are the criteria for unpaid internships?

Q. We would like to hire a few college interns over the summer, but with our tight budget, I don’t think we can pay them. What rules apply to unpaid internships?

NLRB adds another wrinkle to arbitration agreement law


In January, the National Labor Relations Board held that employers may not require employees to sign arbitration agreements that waive their rights to bring class or collective actions. The D.R. Horton decision will probably be appealed. In the meantime, however, the ruling holds important implications for employers.