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Employment Law

Employee’s lack of records won’t get pay lawsuit tossed, so make sure yours are accurate


Workers who claim they should have been paid overtime don’t have to come forward with detailed pay records to move the case into discovery. That’s because record keeping is the employer’s responsibility under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Arbitration won’t work on wage claims if agreements are too one-sided


If you structure an arbitration agreement so it takes away too many employee rights, you may find yourself in federal court anyway—first to litigate the validity of the agreement and then to try the case. 

Court OKs double trouble in pay bias case


A federal court hearing a case brought by the EEOC against a Texas county has allowed an alleged victim of discrimination to add additional charges in an Equal Pay Act case the EEOC is already litigating. As a practical matter, that means the employer will have to fight even more attorneys while defending its pay practices.

Title VII doesn’t cover sexual orientation


A federal court has dismissed a lawsuit alleging a hostile work environment based on sexual orientation, despite the EEOC’s position that sexual orientation discrimination is sex discrimination under Title VII.

Kaplan named NLRB chair


President Trump has appointed Marvin E. Kaplan to succeed Philip Miscimarra as chair of the National Labor Relations Board.

Snapshot: Sex discrimination comes in many forms


A substantial percentage of working women say they have experienced gender-based bias in a variety of ways.

Court recognizes a new kind of claim: Retaliatory hostile environment


Essentially, a retaliatory hostile environment claim looks at situations in which life was made generally difficult for an employee in small ways that in themselves would not affect a term or condition of employment.

Talula’s Garden settles OT suit for nearly $400k


Talula’s Garden, the renowned farm-to-table restaurant in Philadelphia’s Washington Square, will have to pay 63 workers $197,917 in back wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages.

Snyder-Lance pays $1.6 mil to settle misclassification suit


A federal judge in the Middle District of Pennsylvania has signed off on a $1.6 million agreement between snack maker Snyder-Lance and its route drivers.

Ignoring FMLA paperwork may bar unemployment


Workers who are fired for breaking a workplace rule generally aren’t eligible for unemployment compensation. That’s because rule-breaking may constitute willful misconduct, which bars benefits.