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Employment Law

Arbitration agreements only work if signed in advance

Don’t have an arbitration agreement in place? Don’t expect to implement one after an employee has filed a class-action lawsuit.

$8 million award prompts Chipotle to settle

The verdict grabbed the attention of company executives: The Chipotle restaurant chain quickly tendered a settlement offer when a California jury awarded almost $8 million to a former manager.

What to say to pregnant co-workers

Do you have a pregnant co-worker or employee? Here’s a list of things you should—and shouldn’t—say during those nine, often difficult months.

What to expect: EEOC push on pregnancy bias

Two recent EEOC lawsuits illustrate that the agency is serious about enforcing the Pregnancy Discrimination Act as interpreted in the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2015 Young v. UPS decision.

Big win for employers: Supreme Court rules arbitration agreements can prohibit class-action suits

The U.S. Supreme Court upholds the right of employers to require terms that include barring employees from filing class-action lawsuits.

Court: ‘Trump supporter’ isn’t a protected category

After a New York City bar tossed out a patron last year for wearing a red “Make America Great Again” cap, he sued claiming discrimination.

Unions win more elections during Trump administration

Unions won 1,013 organizing elections in 2017, the first year of the Trump presidency. That’s up from 998 elections in 2016.

Disciplining disabled worker for absenteeism? Make sure she knows your rules

It is essential to grant FMLA leave when eligible employees need it. At the same time, it is perfectly legal to require employees to follow specific procedures for using leave. Just make sure employees understand those rules.

Court knocks down multi-state wage-and-hour class action

A federal court has refused to certify a wage-and-hour class-action lawsuit. The crux of the case: Minnesota’s unique rules requiring employees to be paid for breaks of less than 20 minutes.

Employee can’t physically assault alleged harasser unless she is in danger

When a customer harasses an employee, the employer may be held liable for allowing a hostile work environment if it knew about the potential problem. However, the employee has a responsibility to report the incident.