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Employment Law

Dress codes: Strip away discrimination, ‘uniform’ dangers

If your business is image-driven, now’s the time to take a closer look at how you regulate employee appearance. Reason: An increasing number of lawsuits are successfully challenging employers’ dress-code policies. …

Focus on Decision Making When Deciding Exempt Status


Q. I believe that one of our employees falls within the administrative exemption under FLSA, but I’m not sure if he “regularly exercises discretion and independent judgment.” How can I make that determination? —A.C., Mississippi

Overtime Pay Not Affected by Worker’s Shift Switch


Q. Are employers required to pay for overtime hours resulting from the employee voluntarily switching shifts with another employee? —E.R., Kansas

Offer Letters Are OK If Crafted With Care


Q. Our company has typically sent formal offer letters to job candidates for certain positions. Could such letters legally bind us, and would we be smarter to avoid them? —S.T., Texas

Care for healthy child wins FMLA coverage

The walls of employee FMLA protection have grown higher with a new court ruling that says a worker must be given leave to look after his healthy children while his wife …

Don’t be bullied to create permanent light-duty job

After injuring her shoulder, assembly-line worker Tamara Watson wasn’t able to do many tasks required for her job. To aid her recovery, the company temporarily limited her to lighter duties that …

Off-work months during grievance don’t count toward FMLA eligibility

Plant worker John Plumley was off the job for six months while he dealt with a grievance filed under the collective bargaining agreement. Ultimately, an arbitrator reinstated Plumley and awarded him …

Managers: Don’t sit on harassment claim, notify designated person

When does a company officially “know” of a harassment complaint? It’s not always when the complaint is lodged with the designated person in your reporting procedures. If your lower-level managers get …

Court opens door wider to sexual-orientation lawsuits

In what gay-rights groups are calling a landmark decision, a federal appeals court has said that homosexuals can use federal civil rights laws to sue for alleged harassment. In the …

Not all vision impairments qualify as disabilities

Several UPS employees who could only see out of one eye claimed their sight was a disability and that UPS’ policy of not allowing them to drive a truck was discriminatory …