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Employment Law

Monitor hiring process for subtle ‘name discrimination’

Remind managers that it’s illegal to make hiring decisions based on a person’s race or ethnicity, even if that race is assumed because of the applicant’s name. A high-profile …

FLSA, FMLA enforcement reaches record highs

If you thought the regulatory watchdogs would become lap dogs under the Bush administration, you were wrong. In fiscal 2002, the U.S. Labor Department collected $143 …

Supreme Court upholds pro-union fund-raising tactic

In a victory for unions, the Supreme Court recently let stand a lower court ruling that said employees can be forced to pay mandatory dues for union organizing that occurs …

Keep your credibility intact: 12 lessons from the courtroom

To avoid becoming the target of discrimination lawsuits, you need to protect your credibility as a leader and manager. Reason: It’s one of the top ways plaintiffs’ attorneys …

Offer accommodation, but don’t mandate extra leave


Q. We’re afraid that a previously injured worker returned from medical leave too early. Can we require him to take additional leave if it’s obvious that the injury is still hurting his job performance? —M.D., Wyoming

When to Pay for On-Call Time


Q. When do we have to count “on-call” time as hours worked?—L.G., California

Employee Can’t Claim COBRA if Not Enrolled in Plan


Q. We offer insurance benefits that begin six months after hire. Due to changing business conditions, we had to terminate an employee after only 10 months on the job. But the worker wasn’t signed up for the health plan on his termination date. Does he now have any claim to COBRA? —M.R., South Carolina

Be upfront about pre-hire training needs

Does your company mandate training courses before a new hire starts? If so, let job candidates know about these requirements and whether they’ll be paid for the time. …

Don’t stray from layoff procedures

A 65-year-old employee was laid off as part of a reduction in force. She claimed her supervisor had made age-related comments, and the company failed to follow its published RIF criteria …

Beware new court trend: Employees use expert to shift blame for failure

If an employee drags you into court, don’t be surprised if the worker totes along his own expert witness to put your company in a bad light. More employees are …