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Employment Law

ADA requires focusing on ability, not diagnosis

At the core of the ADA is a philosophy that disabled workers must be judged by their actual ability to perform the job they seek or hold, with or without a reasonable accommodation.

Fair Labor Standards Act was enacted 80 years ago

Over the years, the regulations for implementing the FLSA have changed to keep up with the economic realities of the day and the changing nature of work.

Snapshot: HR checks the #MeToo box, too

HR professionals know first-hand the impact of workplace sexual harassment.

ADEA at 50: Looking back & ahead at age bias

The EEOC, the agency responsible for enforcing the ADEA, recently took a look back to see what progress older workers have made in the half century since the law took effect.

Will the ‘uberfication’ of U.S. jobs redefine worker classifications?

In the gig economy that has emerged in the past five years, an old battle over worker classification has taken on fresh urgency.

Cost of blind faith in medical test: $4.4 million

A $4.4 million hit to the corporate checking account just reminded an Illinois employer that the ADA requires an individualized assessment of disabled employees’ ability to perform their jobs.

Supreme Court: Public sector workers can’t be forced to pay union fees

Expect the decision to substantially weaken public-sector unions—which traditionally support Democratic candidates—as this ruling likely means the unions will likely see a large drop in funding.

3 questions on pay equity

Where does the fight over pay equity stand? … How should we adjust to this trend? … What should we do now to ensure pay equity?

The top 10 FMLA mistakes that regularly trip up employers

Despite many courts’ attempts to make the FMLA into the next statute where attorneys utter the dreaded answer of “it depends,” some common mistakes can be avoided.

Midland, Texas company must pay $1 million for pregnancy bias

Brinkerhoff Inspections will pay over $1 million for the actions of its HR manager at its Midland, Texas facility after a federal jury returned a verdict against the oilfield services company.