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Employment Law

What to do now about old #MeToo allegations

What began with a few female Microsoft employees sharing horror stories among themselves via email has morphed into hundreds of harassment complaints old and new that HR could not ignore. If a similar reckoning comes to your organization, follow this roadmap to address harassment once and for all.

Cooperative dialogue versus interactive accommodations process

Q. I’m a New York City employer. One of my workers recently requested a copy of the decision to deny her an accommodation. She says she’s entitled to a copy of the cooperative dialogue decision. Do I have to give her something in writing?

Federal vs. New York overtime rules: Do board, lodging and other allowances count?

Q. Currently, to satisfy the New York state overtime rules, we include board, lodging and other allowances and facilities in that salary. We hit the $679 salary level contemplated in the federal DOL regs already if we include that amount. Do we have to back that amount off?

Start preparing now for new exempt overtime salary threshold

Employers interested in avoiding a big jump in their overtime costs should dust off plans they probably made in preparation for implementing the 2016 Obama-era proposed salary threshold rule.

Be alert for rumors that can lead to sexual harassment liability

Parker v. Reema Consulting Services, Inc. deserves a place on a PowerPoint slide to remind the entire workplace that there is no place for false and mean-spirited rumors in the employer’s place of business, and that the spreading of such rumors can potentially have severe consequences.

IBM apologizes for slurs on recruiting website

IBM offered no explanation of how the terms came to appear on the website.

Cupid’s arrow misses—and so does harassment suit

Sometimes, a failed workplace romance doesn’t result in a demoralizing and costly courtroom loss!

Fired worker right after she complained about sexual harassment? Prepare for a lawsuit

If you discharge an employee shortly after she files a sexual harassment complaint, chances are she will sue and allege retaliation. Even if she is off work for a few months, you may end up owing her more than lost wages if she also suffered emotionally.

Claim of hostile work environment based on disability may add up to ADA lawsuit

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled for the first time that the ADA allows disabled workers to sue separately if they experience a hostile work environment based on their disability. That’s true even if the disabled worker doesn’t have a failure-to-accommodate or a disability discrimination claim.

It’s not bias: OK to deny shift-change request

Under some circumstances, courts have ruled that changing someone’s usual shift can be an adverse employment action or retaliation for engaging in protected activity. But what if the employee was hired to work a specific shift and then re­­quests a transfer to another?