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Labor Relations / Unions

Houston leads the country in manufacturing jobs


A recent survey found that Houston has the most manufacturing jobs of any city in the United States …

Striking employees forfeit unemployment comp


Q. We are in contract negotiations, and there is some concern that our employees will actually vote to go out on strike. Are striking employees eligible for unemployment compensation benefits in Michigan?—F.B.

Cell phones in plant: Must we bargain with union?


Q. Our company has a union contract with work rules. We also have the right in the contract to change the work rules, which the union can grieve. We recently exercised our right to add a new rule prohibiting cell phones in the plant. The union hasn’t filed a grievance, but it has filed an unfair labor practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board. It claims that we are obligated to bargain over the new rule. Are we obligated to bargain over a new rule like this?—R.S.

Michigan OSHA inspection


Q. Michigan’s labor department has sent us a letter stating that a MIOSHA safety officer will be coming to inspect our facility regarding an employee’s safety complaint. Are we obligated to let the safety officer come into our plant and question our employees? Will the officer tell us who filed the complaint?—C.B.

Alcoa workers wonder who will protect them from their union


Employees of Alcoa’s truck wheel manufacturing plant in Cleveland have filed unfair labor practice charges against their union with the National Labor Relations Board …

House shoots down bill to allow guns in the parking lot


A Florida House committee voted down House Bill 1417, which would have forced employers to let workers keep guns in locked cars on company property …

OSHA to Clarify Protective-Equipment Standard


Who pays for an employee’s personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves and steel-toed shoes): the employer or the employee? Federal regulations are unclear in most cases. But that may be changing

Direct deposit requires employee’s written consent


Q. We have been told by our accounting office that the company could save a great deal of money if it could get away from the payroll practice of providing employees with checks, and instead go to a direct-deposit arrangement. We have both a non-union work force and a small group in a union. Can we go ahead and implement such a change, or negotiate a change with the union?—M.B.

Casino workers organize, joining United Auto Workers


Dealers at Caesars Atlantic City voted to join the United Auto Workers (UAW) Union on March 19, followed closely by Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino dealers on April 1 …

Preserve records or face jury’s wrath on overtime pay


If you get wind of a possible lawsuit over unpaid overtime, make sure all your payroll records remain intact and available. Don’t crank up the shredder. If you dispose of related documents, the penalties under Ohio law can be especially harsh