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Labor Relations / Unions

Can we prohibit salary talk?


Q. As an alternative to layoffs, our company has cut employee wages. We decided to do that instead of reducing their hours. While the employees have agreed to this (hopefully) temporary measure, supervisors have received reports that workers have been discussing their new wages and salaries with one another. Our executives want to direct all employees not to discuss their wages and salary information with others. Is it legal to enforce such a rule?

Get legal help right away when union moves in


After years of setbacks, the labor movement is enjoying a renaissance. More employers will find themselves with a unionized workforce. If you suspect your employees will seek union representation, hire an attorney who is an expert on organized labor unionization right away. Otherwise, you may find yourself facing unfair labor practice charges.

No home specimen collection for Newark P.D. drug tests


When Newark police department representatives went to an unidentified officer’s home while he was on sick leave to collect a urine sample for drug testing, it upset the police union.

Prepare for the EFCA—even if unions never worried you before


By now, most employers have heard of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), the proposed legislation that would make it dramatically easier for unions to organize workers and obtain favorable terms in the initial collective-bargaining agreement. Is it time to panic? Of course not, but it is time to take action.

Obama signs 3 union-supported executive orders


Following through on his promises to labor unions—strong financial supporters of his presidential campaign—President Obama recently signed a trio of pro-employee executive orders that undo Bush administration policies.

The HR I.Q. Test: March ’09


Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

Heading to bargaining table? Review contract language before changing benefits


If your organization has a collective-bargaining agreement with a union, make sure you check with counsel before you make any changes to benefits. In some cases, promises made in past contracts—such as a promise to provide retiree health benefits—may be a binding, vested promise that cannot be undone, at least for those who have already qualified.

Spirit Airlines flight attendants don’t like new logo aprons


Miramar-based low-cost carrier Spirit Airlines has run into opposition from flight attendants over a change to their uniforms. The aprons the flight attendants wear while serving customers include logos promoting alcoholic beverage brands.

Automakers offer early retirement packages


General Motors and Chrysler have offered blue-collar workers at selected plants early retirement packages. The buyouts allow the struggling manufacturers to cut short-term costs, but also reduce future labor costs.

Are you a target for union organizing? 6 questions to ask


The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act that President Obama signed into law last week is just the beginning of what’s shaping up to be a wave of new pro-employee legislation from the current Congress and administration. Next up on the Congressional front-burner: the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), which would make it far easier for unions to gain certification. In this Congressional climate, organized labor is poised for rapid expansion.