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Labor Relations / Unions

How to react to protests, strikes by Occupy (insert your city)

With the Occupy Wall Street protests spreading to dozens of U.S. cities, you may be faced with workers who join in such activities, whether in person or via social media. How should you respond?

NLRB on social media: Facebook firing didn’t break law


While the law concerning acceptable employee use of social media remains uncertain, the NLRB is starting to shed more light on what conduct is acceptable under the National Labor Relations Act. The NLRB has issued a decision in Karl Knauz Motors Inc., holding that Knauz did not violate the NLRA when it terminated an employee.

Union contract can keep you out of federal court

Being a union-free workplace has many advantages, but there are also some built-in benefits to operating under a collective bargaining agreement. For one, such contracts typically require all rank-and-file employees to take their complaints to arbitration rather than filing a federal lawsuit.

Freeport firefighter claims union talk led to firing

Legal action is heating up the Panhandle town of Freeport, after firefighter John Carter sued the mayor and the fire chief.

Punish employees who ‘occupy’ in their spare time?

Q. What recourse do employers have against employees involved in ‘Occupy [Wherever]’ protests during off-time?

Expect union reps to aggressively push grievances

Is your workforce unionized? Then expect union reps to push grievances aggressively, especially if they involve possible racial issues. That’s because more employees are suing unions over timid representation.

What’s the background on the NLRB’s rule requiring a new union-rights poster?

Q. What is the new National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) rule regarding notifying employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act?

New for New York employers: union posters, NYC religious accommodation

The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that private-sector employers must post a notice advising employees of their right to join a union. And a new amendment to the New York City Human Rights Law imposes a higher burden on employers that assert that accommodating an employee’s or pros­­pective employee’s religious observance or practice would constitute an “undue hardship.”

3 new NLRB decisions keep recent pro-union streak alive

The NLRB has issued three significant decisions that affect the relationship between unions, em­­ployers and employees. These include new rules for determining what is an appropriate bargaining unit and when employees can vote a union out as their representative. Together, they add to the NLRB’s recent record of ruling in favor of unions and against employers.

Feds sue Northbrook union fund for improper lending

The Dol has sued the United Employee Benefit Fund in Northbrook and its trustees, following an investigation by the Employee Benefits Security Admin­istration that found the defendants violated the Employee Retirement Income Security Act by making improper loans.