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Labor Relations / Unions

More union members in 2011, thanks to private-sector gains

Changing economic conditions and favorable rule-making in Washington helped U.S. union membership increase to 14.8 million workers last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In Florida, only 6.3% of employees belong to a labor union.

More union members in 2011, thanks to private-sector gains

Changing economic conditions and favorable rule-making in Washington helped U.S. union membership in­­crease to 14.8 million workers last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In New York, 24.1% of workers belong to a union.

More union members in 2011, thanks to private-sector gains


Changing economic conditions and favorable rule-making in Washington helped U.S. union membership in­­crease to 14.8 million workers last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Texas has been immune to the spike, however. Just 5.2% of the state’s workers belong to a labor union.

More union members in 2011, thanks to private-sector gains

Changing economic conditions and favorable rule-making in Washington helped U.S. union membership in­­crease to 14.8 million workers last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In Ohio, 13.4% of workers belong to a union.

Seek expert legal help when dealing with NLRB


Employers that find themselves in the cross hairs of the National Labor Relations Board should get expert legal help, especially if charged with unfair labor practices. That’s because once the NLRB concludes you fired employees for engaging in protected activity, it is very hard to argue against those employees’ eventual reinstatement.

Unions growing nationwide, but not in North Carolina

Changing economic conditions and favorable rule-making in Washington helped U.S. union membership increase to 14.8 million workers last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Just don’t look for the evidence in North Carolina.

More union members in 2011, thanks to private-sector gains


Changing economic conditions and favorable rule-making in Washington helped U.S. union membership increase to 14.8 million workers last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Organized labor gained 49,000 new members in 2011.

NLRB’s latest crack at social media policy? What a mess!

In late January, the National Labor Relations Board released an “Operations Management Memo” that purports to offer additional guidance to employers and HR professionals concerned about employees’ use of social media. I can sum up the NLRB’s report in three words: What a mess.

Heads up! Employment law in the news means employee chatter

There’s plenty of employment law news making its way into the mainstream media. That means the workplace will be buzzing with em­­ployee chatter about working conditions, pay and unions. Prepare now for how to react.

NLRB continues with controversial moves and appointments

Last year ended and 2012 began with a flurry of activity from the National Labor Relations Board NLRB. Between controversial appointments to the board and action on two new rules concerning organized labor, the NLRB has given employers much to watch.