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Labor Relations / Unions

Court: Unions entitled to info about nonunion employees

In a significant win for organized labor, the Supreme Court of California has ruled that a union is entitled to the home addresses and telephone numbers of employees who aren’t union members.

When terminating or laying off employees, be sure to pay out accrued leave

California wage-and-hour law requires employers that provide vacation benefits to pay out unused vacation immediately upon termination. However, there’s an exception for union workplaces if the employer and union clearly and unmistakably agree to waive that payment.

Plastic surgery practice can’t put a pretty face on this case

A Dallas plastic surgery center has agreed to pay $315,000 to settle charges that it unlawfully fired two employees and then sued one of them in state court after she sought help from the NLRB.

Court: Vague EEOC complaint isn’t protected

By now, you no doubt understand the dangers of retaliating against someone who has filed an EEOC discrimination complaint. Some workers think all it takes to stop legitimate discipline is to file with the agency. But courts are losing patience with workers who use this tactic.

NLRB may soon lack quorum as Obama’s nominees face opposition

May 16 was a bad day for the NLRB. First, yet another federal circuit court ruled that two current NLRB members had been illegally appointed. Then, Republican senators fired opening salvos in a bid to dump the two current board members and slow down the confirmation of two new NLRB nominees. 

Court: Employers don’t have to display NLRB union poster

A federal appeals court on May 7 struck down a two-year-old National Labor Relations Board rule that would have required private-sector employers to post a notice informing employees of their rights to join or form a union.

St. Paul Chamber musicians, management achieve harmony

After being locked out since Oct. 21, 2012, musicians with the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra are prepared to complete a shortened season with a smaller contingent. A tentative agreement ending the lockout cuts the orchestra from 34 members to 28 and lowers the guaranteed minimum salary to $60,000—19% less than the previous contract that expired last September.

Sugar lockout comes to sweet conclusion for employer

The 20-month-long American Crystal Sugar lockout is finally over. In April, 55% of the members of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers Local 167G ratified a contract that closely resembles a deal they rejected on four previous votes.

AFL-CIO opposes banning deductions for PAC funding

The Texas chapter of the AFL-CIO is opposing a bill introduced in the state House of Representatives that would criminalize payroll deductions for contributions to political action committees.

GOP may try blocking Obama NLRB nominees

President Obama’s picks to fill vacancies on the National Labor Relations Board face stiff opposition from some Republican senators who continue to object to controversial “recess appointments” that occurred in 2012.