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Labor Relations / Unions

Trucking firm pays $262,000 to settle labor charges

Yuba City, Ca.-based Dispatch Trans­por­­tation has settled an unfair labor practice charge with the Teamsters Local 137 and the NLRB.

Single act of disobedience doesn’t always rule out unemployment compensation

The California Supreme Court has decided that a single act of employee disobedience may not always constitute misconduct within the meaning of section 1256 of Cali­­for­­nia’s Unemployment Insur­­ance Code.

Teachers win right to union vote at charter school

The Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School (PCCS) has lost in its bid to stop a union election among its teachers. The Pennsylvania Cyber School Education Association, an arm of the Pennsylvania School Edu­­ca­­tion Association and the National Edu­­ca­­tion Association, sought an election to represent the teachers working for the PCCS.

In Allentown, who says one vote doesn’t matter?

A union election at an Allentown company that provides home health care services may have turned on the vote of one person, who arrived too late to cast a ballot.

Supreme Court ruling could slow NLRB’s aggressive agenda


Good news for employers: The Supreme Court today said President Obama overstepped his executive powers when he used “recess appointments” to name three members to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). As a result, the NLRB will likely have to rehear more than 100 cases from 2012. This could create a procedural logjam at the NLRB, an agency that has been aggressively pursuing expansion of employee rights on the job.

NLRB makes hospital cough up back pay

Keck Hospital of USC, formerly the USC University Hospital, has ended a labor dispute by agreeing to pay $87,839 to four employees affected by its decision to unilaterally eliminate an extra shift bonus and a mandatory on-call schedule.

Nursing home’s attempt to dump union costs $1M

The Yuba Skilled Nursing Facility in Yuba City has paid $1 million in back pay and benefits after the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled against it in an unfair labor practice complaint filed by the Service Employees International Union and United Health Care Workers West.

‘Just cause’ clause may stop firing after ‘last chance’

If your union contract has a “just cause” for termination clause, get the union’s sign-off on a covered employee’s last chance agreement.

MTA rank and file sign contract

A new contract grants unionized em­­ployees of New York City’s Metropolitan Transit Authority retroactive 1% raises for each of the past two years, which means most will receive one-time payments between $3,000 and $5,000.

Work stoppages fell as union membership declined

Union membership has been falling for decades. In 1983, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that 17.7 million Americans carried a union card, about 20.1% of the working-age population. By last year, that percentage had dropped to 11.3%.