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Labor Relations / Unions

Don’t try to silence employees who compare pay & perks

Issue: The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) makes it illegal to punish employees for discussing pay, benefits or working conditions.
Risk: Many employers believe that such NLRA restrictions apply only …

Don’t try to muzzle employee gossip

You may not like employees comparing their bonus checks or bad-mouthing their managers in the break room, but don’t even think about trying to silence such off-duty chats. If you do, …

Break time: Solve confusion over whether you must pay

THE LAW. Contrary to popular belief, the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) doesn’t require employers to provide meal breaks or rest breaks for employees over age 18. However, several states …

Pay for uniform-Change time if job requires it


Q. Do we have to pay employees for the time they spend changing into their uniforms before work (and out of their uniforms afterward)? We’re a hospital and our operating-room personnel must change clothes. —E.T., Maryland

Sharpen your no-solicitation policy with precise language

Issue: How to stop employees from promoting a union organizing campaign on company time.
Benefit: A correctly worded no-solicitation policy gives you the power to legally squash in-house organizing efforts. …

Sharpen your no-solicitation policy; vague language may let union in

The best way to prevent employees from rallying support for a union in the workplace is to write and enforce a specific no-solicitation policy. To make sure it passes legal muster, …

Union, no! Less reason to fear union-organizing campaigns

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says union membership fell to 12.5 percent of all U.S. employees last year, down from 12.9 percent in 2003. That’s the lowest percentage of union …

Age-bias law covers apprenticeships.

Several applicants over age 40 complained to the EEOC about age bias after they were turned down for admission to a maritime training apprenticeship program. The EEOC sued the program and …

Temps can no longer bargain alongside regular employees

Good news for employers: A new National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruling makes it much more difficult for temporary employees to join the same union as the organization’s permanent employees.

New Web site targets companies that have sent jobs packing

The AFL-CIO is providing a new online soapbox for employees who’ve seen their jobs moved overseas. The union has launched a new Web page that lists 200,000 U.S. employers who have …