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No FMLA? That doesn’t mean you’re free to fire and replace new mother

Some employers mistakenly think that if they terminate an em­­ployee who isn’t yet eligible for FMLA leave, the employee can’t sue. While you may not be violating the FMLA, you may violate other laws that protect the worker.

Timing is everything in FMLA retaliation cases

Here’s a hypothetical situation that shows how important it is to be aware of the calendar when dealing with the FMLA.

Electrical company’s strong-arm tactics shocking

Corpus Christi-based Nueces Elec­­tri­­cal Co-Op has agreed to pay a former employee $46,920 in back pay and damages after it forced him to retire and tap his 401(k) retirement fund instead of granting him FMLA leave.

Employee must address ADA, FMLA thresholds up front

Here’s a case that may help you get an ADA or FMLA case dismissed quickly when an employee is acting as her own attorney. A worker has to allege up front in her lawsuit that her employer has enough employees to be covered by the FMLA or the ADA.

Employee not ready to return after FMLA leave? She may be eligible for additional unpaid leave

Do you have a rule that says employees who aren’t ready to return from FMLA leave when their time is up face termination? If so, consider providing at least limited flexibility under one circumstance.

When does ‘almost eligible’ qualify for FMLA?


Eligibility for job-protected FMLA leave kicks in for employees after they’ve worked at a covered employer for at least 12 months (and for 1,250 hours). But take note: That doesn’t mean you can fire employees who request FMLA leave just days before they hit their 12-month anniversary date. As this new case shows, employees can use other accrued leave to “bridge the gap” until they reach the 12-month eligibility limit.

Warn bosses: No negative comments about FMLA leave

Criti­­ciz­­ing employees for taking FMLA leave can mean trouble.

Is ‘We’re short-staffed’ a legal reason to deny medical leave?

Employers must be fully staffed to function efficiently. But what if you’re already short-staffed and an employee requests leave for a last-minute medical appointment? Just how much scheduling chaos must you tolerate before saying “no”?

How should we manage family leave that isn’t covered by the FMLA?

Q. We hired an employee just a few months ago, so he does not qualify for leave under the FMLA. He has requested intermittent time off to care for a family member. We would like to allow him to take the time off, but we aren’t sure how to handle the situation outside of the FMLA. What is your advice?

‘No-call, no show’ termination isn’t adverse employment action

Under Minnesota’s whistle-blower law, employers can’t punish employees for reporting wrongdoing to authorities. Even so, it’s still legitimate for employers to enforce existing workplace rules.