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Don’t consider FMLA absences when firing


Employers can’t punish or otherwise hold it against employees for taking FMLA leave—that’s interfering with FMLA rights, and it’s illegal. That’s why it’s important to exclude FMLA leave when making any disciplinary decisions based on employee absences.

Check the medical documentation: FMLA doesn’t automatically apply to ER visits


You don’t need to give employees FMLA leave just because they have a discharge sheet from a hospital emergency room. The real question is whether the medical condition that prompted them to visit the ER was a serious health condition.

Understand, prepare to follow the new revised FMLA regulations


The long-awaited revised and updated final rules of the U.S. Department of Labor interpreting the FMLA will go into effect on Jan.16. HR specialists should read the new regulations and then review them with an employment attorney. Also, they should promptly develop special training on new rules and procedures for supervisors and employees alike.

Be prepared to grant FMLA leave for diagnosis of serious health condition


Routine doctors’ appointments such as checkups or annual physicals aren’t considered eligible for FMLA leave, but appointments aimed at diagnosing a condition may be. Employers that know the employee is seeing a specialist as part of the followup to an auto accident, for example, are on notice that the employee may need to take FMLA leave …

Don’t delay paperwork for FMLA leave


Act fast if you require employees to furnish medical certification for requested time off. Delaying sending the forms may in itself constitute interference with an employee’s right to take FMLA leave.

DOL issues new FMLA rules; time to review your policies


On Nov. 17, the DOL finalized the first major overhaul of FMLA regulations in 15 years. Some changes favor employers; others will make FMLA compliance trickier than ever. They will require changes to your policies.

Track managers’ deviation from rules to ensure there’s no hidden discrimination


Here’s a problem you might never see coming: A supervisor who harbors resentment against a subordinate because of her protected classification decides to hold her to the letter of the law when it comes to a benefit such as FMLA leave. Meanwhile, other employees get preferential treatment, such as additional unpaid leave after their FMLA leave expires …

Times are changing: HR heads to Vegas to LEAP ahead


It’s predicted that 2009 will bring more changes in federal employment and labor laws than in the entire eight years of the previous administration. To help HR professionals prepare, The HR Specialist is hosting the 5th annual Labor and Employment Law Advanced Practices (LEAP) Symposium March 18-20 in Las Vegas.

Your guide to medical confidentiality under the ADA and the FMLA


Both the ADA and the FMLA have strict requirements for how employers must handle employees’ confidential medical information. HR professionals need to know these rules to comply with both acts—and to avoid expensive legal liability for failing to do so.

If an employee’s loved one dies, can he use FMLA leave to settle estate affairs?


Q. One of our employees has been out on FMLA leave for seven weeks taking care of his sick mother in another state. We approved a full 12 weeks of leave. I received a voice mail from him saying that his mother died. He also said that he had to clear up a lot of things with his mother’s estate, but that he would be back by the end of his scheduled leave. Can he do that, or can I tell him he needs to come back sooner?