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Federal wage-and-hour lawsuits hit record high in 2013-2014

An all-time high 8,126 Fair Labor Standards Act cases were filed between April 1, 2013, and March 31, 2014—a 5% increase over last year, and a 426% increase over 20 years.

Labor Department to change FLSA’s overtime exemptions?

According to Littler Mendelson employment lawyer Ilyse Schuman, word on the street in Washington is that the Labor Department will release a plan to overhaul the Fair Labor Standards Act’s overtime exemptions sometime “before November.”

San Antonio fast food franchisee hit with OT suit

A San Antonio area franchisee faces charges he failed to pay proper overtime to his employees. Wessam “Sammie” Aldeeb operate eight restaurants, including Subway, Great American Cookies and Marble Slab Creamery stores. A recently filed suit seeks class-action status for at least 125 current or former employees of Aldeeb’s franchises.

DOL provides new guidance on ACA-mandated lactation breaks

The ACA health care reform law amended the Fair Labor Standards Act to require employers to provide a place for nursing mothers to express breast milk. The law includes specific requirements the space must meet to comply.

11 employment laws (almost) every employer must follow

Federal employment laws can be terribly confusing, particularly because they often have different definitions for the size of businesses that must comply. Use the following list to make sure you’re not spending time and money complying with laws that only apply to larger businesses.

Don’t try to recoup overpayments in FLSA suit

Some employers end up overpaying for time worked when, for example, employees continue to draw a paycheck while home on some sort of leave. But if you happen to face an FLSA lawsuit over unpaid overtime, don’t expect the court to let you credit those overpayments when it’s time to compensate unpaid overtime hours.

Key to maintaining contractor status: Don’t exert too much control over the work

There’s a fine line between spelling out expectations and unduly controlling exactly how contractors and subcontractors do their jobs. If you use too heavy a hand, those workers you consider to be independent contractors can morph into employees. And that can mean expensive litigation.

In Philly, ‘Pete’s Tax’ refund to employees: $8.5 million

The Philadelphia-based Chickie’s and Pete’s sports bar and restaurant chain has agreed to settle charges it stole tips from employees and failed to pay the federal minimum wage.

Can part-timers be salaried workers?

Q. Can we pay any of our part-time employees as salaried employees?

San Diego newspaper delivery drivers awarded $5M

Workers who delivered the San Diego Union-Tribune will split a $5 million judgment against the paper’s former owner. A state judge ruled that about 1,200 carriers who worked for the paper from 2005 to 2007 were employees, not independent contractors.