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Labor readies final overtime rule; Congress steps out of the way

Opponents in Congress recently dropped their opposition to the Labor Department’s proposed rules that redefine which employees qualify for overtime pay.
That clears the way for Labor to release the …

When must you pay people for working while on break?

Issue: Court ruling adds uncertainty to when you must pay hourly employees for work performed on their breaks. Risk: Liability for back and overtime pay. Action: Urge managers to …

6 ways to determine if you should pay ‘volunteers’

Issue: More for-profit organizations are using “volunteers” to help in their normal course of business, and they’re taking a legal gamble. Risk: Back pay and FLSA claims. Action: Use …

Don’t try to ‘explain away’ overtime errors

Counsel your managers to treat overtime complaints with respect, and avoid any cavalier statements or excuses about why someone hasn’t been paid overtime. Reason: You face big risks by making such …

Don’t mandate direct deposit of employees’ pay

Issue: Some state rules seem to clash with federal rules over whether you can require employees to accept pay via direct deposit.
Risk: By following your state law, in some …

Be careful how you answer pleas for overtime pay

Issue: If you’re sued for unpaid overtime pay, your damages can mount quickly if the court sees a “willful” violation. Risk: The FLSA enables courts to award employees up to …

You can’t make employees contribute to charity


Q. Is it legal for us to strongly encourage our employees to have money withheld from their paychecks to support a charity drive, like the United Way? —L.M., Texas

Schools aren’t exempt from wage-and-Hour laws


Q. At our university, the special-events supervisors must occasionally hire people. We currently don’t pay for their time involved in interviewing job candidates. I think we should pay them for that time, but I was told education institutions are exempt from pay laws. Is that true? —D.D., West Virginia

Make Sure ‘Manual Punch’ Counts Correct Hours


Q. We use a timecard punch-in/punch-out system. If an employee forgets to punch in, and we manually do it, do any labor laws apply? —B.B., New York

You have new ammunition against ‘Collective action’ overtime lawsuits


When slapped with a pay-related lawsuit, the last thing you want is for other employees and ex-employees to piggyback on that suit, creating a big "collective action" case. Good news: AA new court ruling highlights a successful defense against such suits …