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Discrimination / Harassment

Employee has just a vague hunch about bias? Prevail in court with documented facts


Document all employment decisions with objective factual information. It’s the best way to win lawsuits filed by employees who believe they have suffered discrimination but can’t provide any specifics to back up their allegations. In court, facts almost always triumph over feelings.

Supervisors must step up when they learn subordinates might have been harassed


Employers aren’t expected to create perfectly harmonious workplaces. However, they do have an obligation to use their best efforts to intervene when co-workers harass someone on the basis of protected characteristics.

Discrimination suit can’t rely solely on race


In order to get past the first stage of a discrimination lawsuit, a worker has to present at least a prima facie case showing that something discriminatory may have occurred.

71% of sexual harassment incidents occurred at work


Just over a quarter (25.7%) of alleged sexual misconduct that occurred in the workplace was reported to HR.

Online hiring faces scrutiny for age bias


If you have moved most of your recruiting and hiring processes online, you’re in the sights of watchdogs looking for hidden or intentional age discrimination.

A new year, a new anti-harassment initiative


The #MeToo movement is expanding, and employers have a new worry: A group of wealthy Hollywood stars, producers, directors, writers and agents have added #TIMESUP to the anti-sexual harassment social media conversation. Employers are the target.

Acting fast to stop harassment brings quick end to lawsuit


Employers that take prompt action after learning about sexual harassment generally won’t be held liable, as long as the harassment actually stops.

Court OKs double trouble in pay bias case


A federal court hearing a case brought by the EEOC against a Texas county has allowed an alleged victim of discrimination to add additional charges in an Equal Pay Act case the EEOC is already litigating. As a practical matter, that means the employer will have to fight even more attorneys while defending its pay practices.

Title VII doesn’t cover sexual orientation


A federal court has dismissed a lawsuit alleging a hostile work environment based on sexual orientation, despite the EEOC’s position that sexual orientation discrimination is sex discrimination under Title VII.

Snapshot: Sex discrimination comes in many forms


A substantial percentage of working women say they have experienced gender-based bias in a variety of ways.