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Discrimination / Harassment

Age-bias: Six-years-or-less difference destroys claim

A 54-year-old supervisor’s management duties were handed to a 48-year-old employee. The supervisor sued under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. A federal appeals court tossed out the case. Reason: The …

Retaliation: Don’t retaliate against witnesses

After a workplace investigation, check with all parties involved (including witnesses) to make sure they haven’t been retaliated against. The case: During an investigation into misconduct, employee Donny Abbott told supervisors …

Domestic-partner benefits: Don’t fear cost, controversy

Issue: More employers are offering domestic-partner benefits to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples. Benefit/risk: Such benefits can provide a good recruiting tool, but thorny legal and tax issues must be …

When deciding layoffs, rely on several objective factors

When making the tough call about who receives a layoff notice (and defending that decision in court), rely on more than one evaluation tool.
Why? Overly rosy performance evaluations are …

Age difference of six years or less destroys employee’s age-bias claim.

A 54-year-old supervisor’s management duties were handed to a 48-year-old employee. The supervisor sued under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. A federal appeals court tossed out the case. Court’s reason: …

Protect employee/witnesses from retaliation

After a workplace investigation, check with all parties involved (including witnesses) to make sure they haven’t been retaliated against. While it’s illegal to retaliate against employees for filing a lawsuit, you …

Beware bias against men who take FMLA leave

Would you think less highly of male applicants because they took leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? Your first answer may be “No,” but a new study suggests …

You can’t play politics with employees’ political choices

Issue: In this election year, politics will become a hot topic around the water cooler.
Risk: Retaliating against employees for their off-site political activities or comments can run you into …

Improving applicant interviews: 10 do’s and don’ts

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Compliments on dress and hair don’t equal sex harassment

A female supervisor repeatedly complimented a female customer service rep on her choice of jewelry, clothing and hairstyle. The rep sued, alleging the constant comments were harassing and constituted a hostile …