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Discrimination / Harassment

Analyze employee handouts for legally explosive content

Issue: Ready-to-use employee training materials flood the Internet.
Risk: Your supervisors create liability risks by distributing videos, books or handouts without first vetting them for offensive content.
Action: Review …

You can cut wages for ‘Maxed Out’ employees


Q. We have some employees who are earning the maximum salary for their job classifications. Can we cut their pay if we feel they’re overpaid? —D.N., Colorado

Check bankruptcy records when employees sue

If your organization is hit with an employee lawsuit, consider having your attorney check for a bankruptcy filing by the employee who sues you. If the lawsuit isn’t listed as an asset with …

Prevent retaliation: Urge managers to keep cool in face of a lawsuit

When an employee makes noise about discrimination, it’s natural to become defensive. It hurts to be accused of
breaking the law, especially if it isn’t true. But don’t let a …

If supervisors harass, keep your defense alive with quick action

In sexual harassment cases, your worst-case scenario is harassment by a supervisor. That’s because sex harassment by a supervisor resulting in a tangible employment action (firing, demotion, pay cut, etc.) is …

‘Winging it’ during interviews poses double danger

Using unstructured, “tell me about yourself” questions during job interviews not only opens you to discrimination claims, it often results in poor hires, says Mindy Chapman, national director of training for …

Prevent age-based harassment: No ‘old guy’ jokes

Even among employers that serve as models for sexual harassment and race-discrimination training, one type of bias often tolerated is age-based discrimination and harassment, says Atlanta-based employment-law attorney Douglas Towns.

Courts look at how you train, not just if

Hopefully, reading about multimillion-dollar lawsuit verdicts has motivated you to implement anti-harassment and discrimination employee training. But how good is the training you’re giving? It’s a question worth asking.
Reason: …

Interviewing older candidates: Don’t cross the bias line

THE LAW. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) makes it illegal to discriminate in the work-place against people over age 40 on the basis of their age. The law …

Apply dress code evenly among sexes, within reason


Q. Our company manufactures plastic tubing. Our general manager is requesting that men not wear sleeveless or tank-top shirts, due to sweat and appearance. He said women can wear them as long as their shirts are seamed. Is this legal? —C.M., Texas