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Discrimination / Harassment

Westchester County defends shrink-wrap abuse charge


A learning-disabled man whom Glen Island Park fired filed a federal lawsuit and EEOC complaint against the Westchester County Parks Department alleging that his supervisors restrained him with shrink wrap and set it on fire …

Melville benefits firm settles father/son harassment lawsuit


Melville-based Comprehensive Benefits Consultants will pay $150,000 to four former employees who alleged the company’s owner and his son subjected them to name-calling, sexual jokes, hugging and grabbing …

JPMorgan Chase settles pair of disability-bias claims


JPMorgan recently settled a pair of expensive disability discrimination suits …

North Carolina Lifestyle Law


In response to moves to limit smoking in the early 1990’s, the legislature amended the state labor code to forbid employers from discriminating against employees who smoke. Specifically, it’s illegal for employers to discriminate against “the lawful use of lawful products during nonworking hours” …

Local Ordinances in North Carolina


Local governments in North Carolina sometimes legislate their own rules for employers within their jurisdictions. For example, Durham County and the city of Durham have living-wage laws stipulating higher pay than the state minimum wage ($6.15 per hour) while Orange County has its own human rights ordinance …

Indiana Civil Rights Act


Under the Indiana Civil Rights Act, it’s unlawful to subject people to differential treatment based on race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin or ancestry. The law prohibits discrimination in education, employment, access to public conveniences and accommodations, as well as real estate transactions …

Local Ordinances in Indiana


Local governments in Indiana sometimes legislate their own rules for employers within their jurisdictions. For example, some municipalities have living-wage laws stipulating higher pay than the state minimum wage ($5.85 per hour), while others ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity …

English-Only Policies

HR Law 101: If you’re thinking of establishing an English-only policy for your workplace, be aware that you risk incurring the wrath of the EEOC. The agency is strongly opposed to English-only rules and will prosecute employers that commit this type of national-origin discrimination…

Texas Law on Employment Discrimination for Participating in Emergency Evacuation


Anyone who has lived through a rough hurricane season in Texas understands the disruption that an emergency evacuation creates. Such evacuations and subsequent returns cause real hardships for employers. But employees who evacuate their homes and jobs are protected from discriminatory employment actions due to the Texas law on Employment Discrimination for Participating in Emergency Evacuation …

Texas Labor Code Anti-Discrimination Provisions


Texas employers who abide by the employment discrimination provisions of the federal Civil Rights Act (Title VII) are likely to be safe under the state law, too. That’s because the Texas Labor Code provisions on discrimination are identical to the requirements under Title VII