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Discrimination / Harassment

Can telecommuters file lawsuits in their home state?


Before allowing employees to work from home or another remote location, consider the risk of making your organization liable under anti-discrimination laws in the state or city where that telecommuter lives …

Seek Written OK for Internal-Complaint Resolutions


The aim of any good harassment policy is to stop problems before they turn into a litigation nightmare. Reaching a compromise early, even when you aren’t convinced anything illegal has happened, makes sense if that settlement doesn’t lead to a retaliation lawsuit later

Before reorganization, draw up a staff contingency plan


Are you planning to use an early-retirement incentive to help reduce the size of your work force? If so, it’s wise to prepare contingency plans for the remaining open positions and carefully document them …

Allow accusers to bypass supervisor to file complaints


A sexual harassment policy is worthless unless it clues in those who really need to know what’s going on at the shop level. Don’t think you’re in the clear just because you have a policy and tell supervisors to stamp out harassment …

Keep references to past litigation out of employees’ personnel files


A group of black and Hispanic police officers have accused the NYPD of harassment for noting in their personnel files that they were complainants in a discrimination suit. The notations could damage their careers, their attorney says …

NYC firefighters’ burning issue: Is a Locker ‘Private Space’?


Responding to complaints about pornographic and hostile messages displayed on firefighters’ lockers, the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) asked superior officers to oversee the removal of all offensive materials …

Skater’s harassment suit puts the Garden on thin ice


Ex-Rangers City skater Courtney Prince has produced a paper trail to support her sexual harassment suit against Madison Square Garden. She introduced memos showing the Garden staff was digging up dirt on her before she filed suit …

Baker Axed for Deserting Bagels Still Has a Wrongful-Firing Case


A bagel baker at a BP Connect store will proceed with an HIV-discrimination and wrongful-firing suit even though he admitted his firing was justified …

Citigroup’s Cash-Balance Plan Fails the Smell Test, Judge Says


A U.S. District Court judge has called Citigroup’s cash-balance pension plan “a bold and exploitative contortion” of the fractional rule, which guarantees that pensions accrue uniformly over an employee’s career …

Workplace rules can be flexible … if enforced fairly


When it comes to creating workplace rules, don’t think you have to spell out every last detail. It’s OK to leave some rules intentionally vague, so you’ll have some wiggle room. Just be sure to exercise your discretion fairly …