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Discrimination / Harassment

Nextel employees claim that sweetheart deal was a bitter pill


Five former Nextel employees who received settlements from a class-action discrimination lawsuit have filed suit against Nextel and the law firm that brokered the settlement …

Investigating EEOC complaint? You’re protected from retaliation, too


If you’ve ever worried that participation in the internal investigation of an EEOC complaint might land you in trouble, you can take some comfort in a recent federal appeals court decision …

You can ban employee smoking, but can you ban smokers?


Employers are always looking for ways to cut health care costs … and smoking and overweight employees may seem like ripe targets for change …

Brace Against Rising Tide of Age-Bias Lawsuits in Florida


Florida’s population is the oldest in the United States. So perhaps it comes as no surprise that older workers in the state are becoming increasingly litigious in filing Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) lawsuits …

Employers don’t always have to be right, just honest


When you know it’s time to discharge an employee, don’t let excessive fear of a lawsuit immobilize you. The fact is, employers do make mistakes, but not all their errors lead to liability …

Wear two hats in evaluating harassment complaint


If your HR job includes evaluating claims of sexual harassment and hostile environment, it’s a good idea to approach investigations from two separate but related angles …

Swift response is key to derailing harassment claim


When a co-worker launches a harassment campaign, you must act fast or risk a hostile-environment lawsuit. That means all your managers must know the drill to follow the moment they get wind of harassment

Highway Patrol Officer Sues for Gender Discrimination (Again)


The Florida Highway Patrol’s highest-ranking female officer has filed a gender-discrimination suit against the department for firing her last year …

Female farm workers settle landmark sex harassment case


Gargiulo Inc., one of Florida’s largest fruit and vegetable wholesalers, will pay $215,000 to settle sexual harassment lawsuits on behalf of female Haitian workers at its tomato packinghouse in Immokalee …

Affirmative Action


HR Law 101: Affirmative action programs are usually designed to give a short-term preference to members of a historically disadvantaged group. In theory, these efforts are intended to level the playing field and help overcome the results of past discrimination …