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Discrimination / Harassment

Hypersensitive employee doesn’t get special protection


Most organizations realize they have to take reasonable steps to stamp out sexual harassment. Their efforts have probably done a lot to wipe out the most blatant examples,  but what about more subtle harassment? …

When filing lawsuits, employees not entitled to ‘Two bites at the apple’


A recent federal appellate court ruling should give some comfort to employers in Texas and other states in the 5th Circuit …

Court: Basing pay on past salary may spark Equal Pay Act lawsuits


A surprising new court ruling says that if your organization uses a common pay practice—setting new hires’ salaries based on their past pay—you could be violating the Equal Pay Act …

You Can Issue ‘Gag Order’ While Investigating Complaint


Nothing disrupts a workplace like unbridled rumors, especially when it’s about a sexual harassment complaint. Such chatter can make it hard to carry out a fair and impartial investigation. For that reason, you can—and should—be proactive about curbing idle speculation while your organization investigates …

Echoes of Virginia Tech: ‘Copycat comments’ lead to firings around U.S.


“If I get one more write-up, if you think they had a problem in Virginia, it’ll be worse here.” That comment by  a Suffolk County (NY) Community College employee led to his arrest. At SeaWorld in Florida, a “joke” about the Virginia Tech shootings earned an employee the same fate. Here’s how to handle such comments in your organization. Plus, learn the 8 warning signs of violent worker behavior. 

Supreme Court affirms that FLSA doesn’t apply to all employees


A Supreme Court case narrowly focused on FLSA protections for home health care workers may signal a broader trend worth watching. Is a conservative high court now more inclined to defer to federal agency interpretations of the law even when those interpretations limit employee rights? A new EEOC age discrimination case that could reach the Supreme Court might tell the tale.

Supreme Court to hear key age-discrimination case next term


The ink on the U.S. Supreme Court’s latest employment-law decision was barely dry before the court voted to hear yet another important employment-discrimination case—this one concerning age discrimination.

Federal employment law spotlight: FLSA, OSHA, wage discrimination


Two new resources on federal compliance and a legislative attempt to address last week’s Supreme Court decision on pay discrimination head this week’s news from Washington.

EEOC speaks out against ‘Language preference’ bias


It’s not just about “English-only” rules anymore. Now employers have to worry if they discriminate among the different languages they allow employees to speak at work …

Are your policies biased against employee caregivers?


If you’ve never heard of “family-responsibility discrimination,” or FRD, you soon will. This subset of sex discrimination is a form of gender bias brought by employees who claim they were treated unfairly because they fulfilled caregiving roles for children or elderly parents