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Discrimination / Harassment

Mercer County caseworker loses discrimination suit


Jeffrey Hawthorne, a Mercer County Children and Youth Services (CYS) caseworker, sued the agency for gender discrimination, alleging his supervisors wanted to create an “all-female work force,” and “treated men differently from women” …

The hitchhiker’s guide to hiring, harassment and firing


Tameisha Wilson, of Penn Hills, has filed an EEOC lawsuit against Grand Rapids, MI-based Gainey Transportation, claiming she was subjected to sexual comments, threatening language and unwanted touching after she joined the company as a trainee in October 2006 …

Court finds Del Monte didn’t cook promotion decisions


A Pittsburgh system/supply analyst sued Del Monte Foods for race and age discrimination after being passed over for several promotions despite excellent reviews …

Woodmen Life settles harassment suit for $285,000


Lincoln, NE-based Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society will pay $285,000 plus a $50,000 annuity to Louella Rollins, a Pittsburgh-area woman who served as state manager for Woodmen in Pennsylvania. Rollins claimed that a man she supervised complained openly about having to work for a woman. She said the employee also grabbed and touched her …

Train interviewers to not comment on employees’ promotion chances


Unless they clearly understand they must treat all job candidates with the utmost respect and stick to job-related questions, supervisors inexperienced in HR matters can turn a simple hiring or promotion into a lawsuit …

Man claims sexy co-Worker caused anxiety and stress


A Lucent Technologies employee sought reasonable accommodation under New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination after claiming a female employee sexually harassed him and retaliated against him for reporting her behavior. Among other things, the man alleges the co-worker touched his head with her breasts on one occasion, made five sexually suggestive comments over a period of several months, and wore tight-fitting, sexually provocative clothing …

Teachers’ age discrimination suit doesn’t make the grade


A court has dismissed three Livingston teachers’ age discrimination lawsuit for lack of merit. The teachers filed suit under New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination after they were transferred to different schools late in their careers …

LAD: ‘Reasonable’ accommodation does not mean ‘Permanent’


Many employees have some type of medical condition or disability that affects their ability to perform their jobs. Employers need to understand their obligations to disabled employees and the rights granted to disabled employees under New Jersey law. A decision recently handed down by the New Jersey Supreme Court clarifies exactly what obligation employers have to accommodate disabled employees under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination …

Catch reverse discrimination before it becomes federal case


Is your organization going through a transition period marked by discharges and new hires? If so, take a quick look at your pre- and post-transition work force composition. If the diversity of your work force has changed dramatically, you may need to consider the possibility of a federal lawsuit hitting you next. If this sounds familiar, rethink your strategy before it’s too late …

EEOC ruled against you? Don’t simply settle


In EEOC hearings, employers get a chance to defend their actions, and the agency often concludes that the employer did no wrong. But what about instances when the agency sides with the employee? Should you immediately accept defeat and settle the case? Not if you’re settling because you’re worried that the EEOC decision might become part of a federal lawsuit …